Everything that is alive pulsates with energy and all of this energy contains information. Your physical body projects an energy field that extends as far as your outstretched arms and the full length of your body. It is both an information center and a highly sensitive perceptual system. We are constantly 'in communication' with everything around us through this system.Within your energy field exists emotional energy, which is created by your internal and external experiences. These experiences can be both positive and negative, fleeting or long-lasting:
- Past and present relationships
- Profound or traumatic experiences and memories
- Belief patterns and attitudes, including all spiritual and superstitious beliefs
Your emotions reside physically in your body and interact with your cells and tissues.
Emotional energy contributes to the formation of cell tissue, and forms an energy language which carries literal and symbolic information. In this way, your biography--that is, the experiences that make up your life--becomes your biology. Your body contains your history--every chapter, line and verse of every event and relationship in your life. As your life unfolds your biological health becomes a living, breathing biographical statement that conveys your strengths, weaknesses, hopes and fears.
Every thought you have travels through your biological system and activates a physiological response. Some thoughts--like fear--are like depth charges, causing a reaction throughout your body; a loving thought can relax your entire body. Some thoughts are more subtle, and still others are unconscious. Many are meaningless and pass through the body like wind through a screen.
Stay tuned for upcoming posts on how to use this understanding of emotional energy in the body to release energy drains and re-fuel your life!