Learning how to cope and take care of yourself, your home, your family and maybe even your work responsibilities when you have a chronic condition is really tough. It's easy to get caught up in a mode of "I'll put it off until tomorrow or until I feel better" and months may go by before it happens. So I have devised a couple of tricks to help me be productive in harmony with my condition, rather than working against myself! One of my favorite ways is my daily checklist.
I have a little whiteboard up on the wall in my bedroom where I see it several times a day. At the top I wrote "Love Yourself Today", and along the left in bright colors I made a checklist of daily goals. Some days it's really a stretch to check off everything on the list, but I like the challenge and reminder to take care of myself and my obligations. My goals encompass self-care, daily household tasks, and projects.
My daily checklist looks something like this:
- Make the bed and open the blinds
- See or talk to someone who cares about me
- Cuddle with the cats
- Go for a 15 minute walk
- Do one - two chores around the house
- Yoga and PT exercises
- Take meds on time
- Eat healthy meals and snacks
- Spend time on X project
- Read and respond to email and voice mail
- Take stretch breaks
- Get some sunshine and leave the house
- Meditate
- Go to bed by 11pm