Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Change Your Life

Have you noticed that since you've been attuned to Reiki that there are things you can't ignore anymore?

Have you noticed that there are things in your life that need to change? Some situations (and relationships) no longer feel right?

If you get really honest with yourself, are you living the life you really want?

Do you have dreams you've never fulfilled or are not even sure what would make your life fulfilling?

If you answered any of these questions with a yes, and you want to change your life but aren't sure how, this group may be for you!

The Change Your Life Group meets:
Tuesdays 6:30-8pm
June 16, 23, 30
July 7, 14, 21, 28

The program covers:
  • Going Deeper with CKR* Emotional Healing with SHK
  • Manifest Intentions with Reiki
  • Deeper self Awareness and How to make changes using Reiki
  • How to use positive thinking, affirmations, and visualization

Find out more on my website here!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Do you believe it?

One of my intentions at the New Year was to overcome the limitations of my particular chronic pain and get back to the gym and doing yoga. I've accomplished my goal, and I am looking forward to yoga classes and workouts for the rest of the year!

For a while though, it was really a struggle to believe it could happen for me - that I could get over the mental blocks and fears that come with chronic pain and get myself into the gym. My limiting thoughts were something like this: "It's just going to hurt more if I exercise." "I'll be too exhausted to do anything else." "What if I injure myself?"

Isn't it frustrating how how we sometimes get in our own way while we are trying to achieve our goals? You can set intentions and goals, be as positive as a cheerleader about them, doing affirmations and visualizations, but if deep down you don't believe that they can become reality for you - they won't, will they?

For example: you set a goal to go to the gym 3 times a week after work, or an intention to attract new clients to fill out the empty spots in your schedule or dream of taking your practice to the next level, and within a couple of weeks you stop working towards it because deep down you don't really believe you can achieve it anyways.

How many times has this happened to you?
It sure has happened to me more times than I'd like to admit to myself. This is a pretty frustrating phenomenon.

How do you prevent it from happening?

I believe the key to working through these deep seated beliefs is to face them head on. Spend some time trying to understand them. Do you believe you can't succeed with your intention because deep down you know it's not realistic? (such as wanting to lose 50 lbs in just a few weeks). Or maybe you believe you can't achieve your goals because you don't believe you deserve to achieve them or you're afraid of what it means to your life and relationships if you are successful?

Whatever the reason, with knowledge of the limiting beliefs holding you back, you become empowered to work with yourself instead of against yourself.

It might mean giving yourself a realistic timeline to achieve your long-term goals, and setting bite-sized milestones to celebrate along the way. It might mean confronting some fears about yourself and deciding you deserve success and moving forward anyways. Or, it might mean taking a closer look at your life and relationships and rallying the people around you to become your cheerleading team.

You might also realize, as a result of your time reflecting, that the goal you didn't believe in wasn't something YOU really wanted to do for yourself anyways. It might have been motivated by cultural or peer pressure or be something someone else encouraged you to do.

With this new knowledge of yourself, you can set goals that feel right deep down and know that you can and will succeed.

Of course, it can be really hard to identify limiting beliefs - I mean if you knew what they were you'd have changed them by now, right?

That's where having an unbiased supporter comes in. Someone who can see and hear you from an objective, impartial perspective to help you get to the root of what's holding you back from the success, abundance, health, and happiness that you desire.

If you are a wellness professional having trouble maintaining a healthy balance between life and work and bringing in the clients you want - stay tuned for a new program I'm designing with exactly you in mind.
It will help you move past the blocks holding you back so you can shift into abundance and balance.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Now accepting applications for Reiki Master Training program


We are now accepting applications for the Reiki Master Training Program that runs from July - November 2009. This 100 hour course will provide you with a holistic, in-depth study of the body's energy systems, and how to interpret, influence, and communicate what you experience as you practice Reiki.

The Reiki Master Training program will teach you:
  • how to use Reiki for personal growth, wellness, and self-care
  • energy awareness in your hands and body and development of your personal energy language
  • grounding, meditation, visualization and affirmation techniques
  • understanding of how energy flows through the body's meridiens and chakras
  • how to create a healing space for your clients and communication and listening skills
  • confidence in being guided by your intuition in your Reiki practice
  • common conditions and treatments for physical and emotional healing
  • the ability to assess client needs and customize sessions for optimal results
  • basic understanding of anatomy and associations in Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • understanding the Reiki Master symbols, mantras and how to use them

Find out more and what other Reiki Master students have to say on the website here!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Are you sabotaging yourself?

Are you sabotaging your health, your well-being and your future by getting caught up in the negativity sold by the media?

Your life has to be tended to like a garden and to be successful, happy and well - you must cultivate the seeds that you want to bloom. If your focus is on what you don't want, what you fear, and what you don't like - guess what is growing in your garden?

If negative, pessimistic thinking is getting you down and creating tension, anxiety and stress, you need to learn how to cultivate some new seeds!

Successful, happy, peaceful people keep their minds focused on potential and positive outcomes and resist the habit of negative doom and gloom thinking that is so pervasive right now.

Do you know how to sow seeds of joy, optimism and abundance?

Stay tuned for an exciting new program to help you grow peace, joy, and abundance in your garden, no matter where you live! If you are feeling stressed, anxious or tense, this new program is for you!

Step by step...

"The Reiki Master class has been a source of healing, growth and manifestation. In terms of healing, we've learned ways to heal ourselves through a variety of means including meditation, guided imagery, self-care habits and other forms of practice and applications of Reiki and energy work.

I know that I'm growing in areas that I've always wanted to grow in spiritually and "energetically." Not only are we growing in learning ways of healing but also in the knowledge of Reiki, importance of self-care, chakras, affirmations and other areas of the powerful mind, body, soul and energy interconnection. The class also allows us to grow as "individual" healers.

Step by step, I feel closer and clearer about how I envision Reiki to be incorporated in my life both on a personal and professional level."
- Jen C.


"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C.


"Reiki Master training with Joanna has been wonderful! It has given me a chance to take my Reiki practice to a much deeper level. I now have the tools and know-how to start healing myself so that I can heal others. The training has been very transformational and I look forward to learning something new in each and every class.

Joanna is great at creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere for her students that is conducive to sharing, learning, and growing. I am looking forward to future training with her.
" - Olga T.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

How do you handle surprises?

After finishing a delightful semester at Palmer Institute of Massage, I was surprised to find out the school was closing at the end of the semester. At first, I was quite disappointed. However, I decided that this could be an opportunity for something even better so I'm keeping myself open to wonderful opportunities. How do you handle unexpected changes?

Here's a wonderful suggestion from Kasha Ritter about how to take the unexpected in stride:

It would be a great gift if we could teach our children the gift that chaos brings. That when you get a flat tire and you have to be somewhere, that life just gave you a nice pause in your day. Not that life hates you and is out to get you. This is your gentle reminder that you are not in control, that someone is looking out for you, wanting to get your attention - and, most importantly, that when life does not go as planned, it is, always is a good thing. It has changed your perspective; it has given you an open door to meet someone new, let someone help you and reconnect you to life. So, next time your day "falls apart", pause, say thanks and enjoy the ride. - Kasha Ritter

Trying to stay in control of things that really aren't in your power to influence just creates stress. Letting go of stress, anxiety and tension during times of change will shift your perspective and start attracting positive opportunities and relationships into your life.

what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

Click here to read more of what my clients are saying...