Helping heart centered entrepreneurs thrive in life and business. Be yourself and change the world!
about Joanna

- Joanna Scaparotti
- Beverly, MA, United States
- Joanna's passion is creating mindful entrepreneurship and soul-centered authentic businesses in the wellness industry that seamlessly integrate values such as abundance, service and wellness with the freedom of flexible lifestyles and the benefits of creative community collaboration.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Core story
Wow I love how this last prompt ties right in with my post about the most memorable gift I received in 2010. My central story is that it is possible, even necessary, to heed your calling and share your unique gifts and skills with the world. Success, abundance, love, wellness, and happiness are available to everyone. It's just a matter of training yourself to experience life through an open heart instead of from a place of fear and lack. There is joy available everywhere if you only look for it. There is support, encouragement and opportunities available to you every moment of the day, if you keep your heart and mind receptive.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The most memorable, and important, gift I received this year was the message that I can change my story at any time. It's been a few years now since I started experiencing daily chronic pain, and I've found peace through acceptance. And yet, at a recent healing circle, I stumbled across a novel idea - I have the power to change the story I tell about myself. I've been experimenting with telling myself a new story when a muscle spasms or fibromyalgia flare-up begins. Instead of letting my focus be trained on the pain or accepting the pain or even on what modifications or self care I need to cope with it, I create a new story. I give myself Reiki, and I choose a new story about feeling great. I've noticed that within a few minutes the pain has receded to the background and my mood is cheerful and energized. Perhaps I don't have the power to change my physical body with my thoughts, but it does seem I can change my perceptions and experience of the situation. This is empowering stuff!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Ah this is an interesting prompt. I often start the new year with goals and intentions to focus my energy and attention for the coming year. I haven't given much thought previously to how I imagine I'll feel when I achieve my goals. I suppose that I will feel accomplished and successful as well as secure and abundant. I'll be grateful and fulfilled too. The thing is, I already do feel these things today. There may be a few niggling doubts here and there that pop up when I stretch outside my comfort zone, but most of the time I feel great about my life.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Ordinary Joy
I have had so many of these moments of ordinary joy this year. I've found that it's easy to slip into ordinary joy when you are fully present and appreciating everything that happening inside and around you. I often slip into ordinary joy when visiting the beach, a garden or other natural landscape. It also happens when I spend time with family and friends. Working on an art project, cooking, painting, petting my cats, playing with my friends' children also induce this ordinary joy. A good cup of tea or coffee sipped in the sunlight. A healing circle. A meditation. Listening to music on Pandora. Sitting in my office. Giving Reiki. Yoga. There are so many ways to invoke ordinary joy in my day to day life. I feel quite blessed!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Soul Food
Oh dear, this is a really tough question! I have eaten all kinds of soul food over the past year! First there's the Harvest Bowl at Rawbert's filled with organic, local produce and red quinoa and a steaming mug of lemon ginger tea. Then there are the delightful Thai restaurants in the area with their servers with big smiles and soups that just exude love. A new favorite is the divine Shahi Paneer Korma at Anmol with staff who always stay open late and let us indulge after an event, healing circle or kirtan. I've had some of the best blueberry pancakes at Comets Diner in Tyngsboro, too. I think for me, the soul food experience is a combination of good company, great food and super nice staff at the restaurant. Even my favorite coffee shop turns a good cup of coffee into soul food for me. Of course, some of my friends and family are pretty amazing cooks also who infuse their meals with love and deliciousness too.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Photo ~ A present for yourself
December 25th Prompt: Photo - a present to yourself. Sift through all the photos of you from the past year. Choose one that best captures you; either who you are, or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand words. Share the image, who shot it, where, and what it best reveals about you.
This photo was taken by my sweetie at a friend's wedding this fall. It was an honor and a pleasure to officiate the wedding of a good friend. This was a spontaneous, candid shot, and I think it reveals who I am at my core.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Everything's Ok
One of my best moments this month was doing my year end financials for my business. Despite the economy, my business revenue doubled in 2010 from 2009. There was a lot of growth in 2010, which always means additional expenses, but I was excited and proud to see the profit even if it was modest. Seeing the bottom line of my business double in a year where everyone has been afraid and stressed about the economy has been extremely heartening. I have been telling my own clients all year that when you come from a heart-centered place, it is easier to find clients than it is to find a job in this kind of economy.
All the promoting, networking and reaching out you do during a recession is going to be invaluable as the economy improves. It's invaluable even during a recession. So, don't let the state of the economy bring you down. When you have a calling to be of service and help people heal or grow in your own unique way, clients will find and hire you. Now, more than ever, the world needs healing professionals, and I'm proud to be helping healing professionals create and run thriving private practices regardless of the state of the economy.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
New Name
I am quite happy with my name and who I am, so there isn't anyone else I'd rather be for a day. I sometimes go by a name in my spiritual community that reflects the earth-loving, goddess inspired side of me. It's fun sometimes to put a different side of yourself than usual in front by using an alternative name.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I did some visiting around New England in 2010. Also, I traveled to the midwest in 2010 via Amtrak. It was a peaceful trip. I love how much time there is to relax and read on the train. In years past, I traveled much more often.
I'll be ringing in the New Year up in Vermont with my sweetie. Later in the year, I am planning a trip to the west coast to Portland, Oregon for a seminar with Mark Silver of Heart of Business. I've also got a trip to Iceland on my radar. And in October, I'll be back in the midwest again for my annual gathering.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Future Self
If I could write a note to my younger self 10 years ago about the most important thing she could do, I would advise her to trust her intuition. I would point out how each time she faced a decision or choice, she had a deep knowing about whether it would work out or not. Many times she ignored the red flags and the quiet intuition and convinced herself to give it a try, hopeful that she could change people or situations or herself to make it work out. Until she learns to listen to and trust her intuition, she is going to spend a lot of time and energy trying to make things work that aren't going to work. The sooner she lets her intuition guide her, the sooner she will live a life that is harmonious, enjoyable and peaceful.
Five years from now I see myself settled into a wonderful, cozy home near the ocean and parks with a family that includes pets. My business is thriving, and though it's busy, it is very fulfilling work that supports my life. From the settled place I see myself in 5 years from now, I would advise my current self to continue to put down roots and make decisions based on where I want to be - not where I am today. I would suggest I think about things like: where can I cut expenses and save more money towards a down payment on a house? am I investing enough time and energy in my romantic relationship to build the foundation for a thriving family? am I working too much? working too little? am I doing enough self-care to sustain all the aspects of my life that are important to me such as my friends and family, my work, and my creative pursuits?
Beyond Avoidance
In 2010, I really allowed myself to enjoy life from all angles. I especially enjoyed food with good company, and I didn't push myself to be disciplined about food. Instead of working to lose weight to make pain management easier, I let myself gain weight by having a whole lot of fun. It was definitely the right move for rejuvenating my spirit after a couple of rough emotional years. Now my body has reached a point where it's telling me that the pain would be better managed if the weight came off, and if the foods I'm sensitive to (like sugar) are kept out of my diet. I believe I need to buckle down and get disciplined about eating habits and find other ways to keep a daily sense of enjoyment in my life that isn't related to food.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
For me, 2010 was a lovely year. Each month seemed to be better than the last, and I would call it a slow evolution of love, happiness and wellbeing. I think it was the cumulative effect of meditation, daily self-care, wholesome nourishment, and wonderful company.
My life is pretty darn great, but there's always room for improvement, right? In 2011, I'd like to finally step into my own as a savvy and empowered woman when it comes to financial matters. It's been a learning curve for me in this aspect of my life, but luckily I have an amazing finance coach, Lili of Empowered Bookkeeping, who continues to help me learn and grow into my potential in this area of my life and business.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The scariest thing I tried in 2010 was opening myself up to being in love after a number of years of being focused inward on understanding my body and figuring out my life path. I am so glad that I let myself be vulnerable and took that leap of faith.
Taking risks is actually a big part of my personality and how I move through life. It results in wonderful experiences and successes, and sometimes it results in pretty dramatic failures and disasters. I learn a lesson every time something doesn't work out, and I don't usually let it slow me down.
In 2011, my intention is to spend less time focused on work and more time letting myself be creative and expressive. I'd like to try taking a community class or two in painting or drawing, different dance styles, or cooking.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Lesson Learned
This past year, I learned that I could live a completely full life that includes friends, family, my own business,and romance even though I have a chronic pain condition. I have learned so many lessons from the pain over the last few years, and the most important lesson I have learned is that pain does not have to limit your life. With a little forethought, planning, accomodations or modifications, I can do almost anything I want to do. Sometimes pain is a signal from the body to stop and remove yourself from danger (think hand on a hot stove and the reflex to jump back), but when you have a pain syndrome, pain has a very different meaning. Instead of stopping, you actually have to keep moving: exercise as much as possible, laugh a lot, be social, keep working and stay in a heart space of gratitude and abundance to mitigate the pain. Self-care is crucial, as is learning to understand this different language of pain that is spoken by a pain syndrome. You can learn to listen to your body's clues just like a mother learns how to understand her newborn's different cries, and you can nurture, nourish, rest, massage, stretch, meditate, your body in the way that it needs to turn down the pain volume. Going forward, I will continue to listen to my body, treat it lovingly, and gift myself with the accomodations and modifications that make anything possible.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
This is a really tough question to answer. I think the best thing I can write about regarding friendship is that I made a number of wonderful friends in 2010 who share values I hold dear. It's been wonderful to be in a supportive, loving, collaborative community of healers on the North Shore. It's been invaluable to learn and be healed by one another as we continue to follow our truths and live authentic, heart-centered lives. Together we hold each other up, reflect what's important to each other, and help each other continue this sometimes difficult work of staying honest, authentic and positive despite the extreme fear mongering in our society and the world at large.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
2010 in 5 minutes
December 15 – 5 Minutes Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010. (Author: Patti Digh)
2010 was a positive year for me. The wellness center I started with a dream and inspiration took off and began to grow. I stepped into a level of confidence about myself as a coach and teacher that I had not imagined possible before this past year. I found myself sometimes in the role of expert and ok with that!
I feel like in 2010, I really came into my own. I did a lot of inner work, and I got really clear about who I am and what's important to me. I also did a lot of work to forgive things from my past that could get in the way of the present. I cultivated love, compassion and gratitude in the relationships with my friends and family.
I opened my heart up even further than ever before, and I put it out to the Universe that I was ready to meet my soulmate. Amazingly, he found me this summer! Our beliefs and values mesh so well, it's hard not to think that we were made for each other. I am very happy, and I love having such a warm, compassionate, quirky partner.
Another big lesson in 2010 was asking for help and allowing myself to receive it. I started with a summer intern who has turned into my assistant. She is a blessing, not only because she picks up the slack there just isn't time for in my schedule, but because she has wonderful ideas and a savvy about the wellness industry that complement my own.
Wow 5 minutes went by so fast! I think I captured the essence of what was most important in this past year.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
December 14 – Appreciate What’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it? (Author: Victoria Klein)
The one thing I have come to appreciate most in the past year is asking for help and receiving help when I need it. Especially when you have a business to run, you can't do it all! There's a point you reach where your time and energy is maxed out, and the only way you can grow is to bring on someone to help you out. I've learned how to communicate clearly about what I need, and at the same time trust my assistant to get things done in the best way she knows how. She's brought in some great ideas that are helping me clarify my mission and focus, helping The Healing Center grow and decreasing my stress - it's fabulous!
Monday, December 13, 2010
December 13 – Action When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step? (Author: Scott Belsky)
Action should be my middle name. I am always taking action, and I believe that consistent action is what leads to success. In terms of my aspirations for my business in 2011, my current step is reviewing the current year and taking stock of what worked and what didn't. My next step is to choose 2-3 areas to focus on in the first half of 2011, pick some goals and milestones, and make an action plan with weekly measurables.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Body Integration: A Cohesive You
December 12 Prompt: Body integration. This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn't mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present?
Most of the time I experience being a cohesive ME, alive and present. My body and mind are integrated and wonderful at communicating with each other now. This is especially true during times when I am practicing Reiki, yoga, and meditation.
As someone who lives with chronic pain due to arthritis and fibromyalgia, there are times when I feel my body is at odds with me. I have learned that mental and spiritual outlook make a difference in my experience of suffering when there is pain. Sometimes there simply isn't anything that alleviates pain except time or change of weather, and by employing Reiki, yoga, and meditation I am able to keep my spirits up and continue to experience and enjoy my life.
11 Things
December 11 Prompt: 11 Things. What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?
This is a really tough prompt! I deeply believe that it's not helpful to focus on what you don't want because we tend to make more of what we focus our attention on. I'd rather contemplate 11 things I want and need in my life in 2011 to change my life for the better.
- Love I will cultivate love in my life through being loving and compassionate and opening my heart to receive love when it's given.
- Laughter I will cultivate laughter in my life by not taking myself or life too seriously, and I will set aside time regularly to have fun and spend time with jolly people.
- Spirituality I will cultivate a healthy spirituality this year by taking time every day to meditate and be grateful for my life. I will also celebrate with friends and family as the year unfolds.
- Abundance I will cultivate abundance in my life through gratitude for what is and keeping my heart open to receiving the blessings all around me.
- Friendship I will cultivate the friendships in my life by listening closely, celebrating accomplishments, and hanging in there during tough times with my friends.
- Sacred Space I will cultivate sacred space for healing and personal growth in my personal life and at The Healing Center by listening without judging, offering unconditional acceptance, and maintaining healthy boundaries.
- Wellbeing I will cultivate a feeling of wellbeing in 2011 by practicing yoga, working out several times a week, sleeping enough, and eating foods high in vitality and nutrition.
- Creativity I will cultivate creativity in my life by creating an art space in my home where I can paint, draw and work on crafty projects regularly.
- Self-care I will cultivate self-care by giving myself Reiki daily, receiving a bodywork session weekly, and reserving some quiet time every day to center, relax and recharge.
- Productivity I will be productive by limiting myself to working only 40 hours each week and spending the rest of the week on all the other things so I am constantly refreshed, energized and excited about my work.
- Gratitude I will cultivate gratitude by acknowledging all of the blessings in my life. I'll look for the opportunities to grow when I find myself in challenging situations. I will practice accepting things for what they are and allowing them to be.
Friday, December 10, 2010
December 10 Prompt: Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?
I do believe I made a lot of wise decisions in 2010. I've been allowing my Wise self to guide me in all personal and business decisions since early 2009. I even created a 6 week course calling Clearing your Path for Success to teach my clients how to access their core, Wise self for their own decision making processes. Some of my favorite decisions included joining a weekly Reiki share group where I can receive nurturing every week, pursuing a new romantic relationship, hiring an assistant so my business can grow, and working with a fabulous financial advisor.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
December 9th Prompt: Party. What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans.
The best social gathering I attended in 2010 was the Million Dollar Women's Conference in Salem, MA in November. Each year, hundreds of professional women and business owners gather to listen to other local women who brought their businesses to the million dollar revenue tier. It never fails to leave me inspired, excited and determined to be my best self in life and my business.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Beautifully Different
December 8 Prompt: Beautifully different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different - you'll find they're what make you beautiful.
What makes me different? That's a tough question! I do believe that each of us is unique, and we each have our own path to follow. When I listen to my heart and the advice of my Wise self, I am able to follow my particular path more clearly. So I believe that allowing myself to be guided by intuition, insight and wisdom is what makes me different.
When it comes to lighting other people up, I believe that happens when I help others see their own path more clearly. Sometimes it's through reflecting their truth back to them. Other times it's teaching them how to listen to their own heart and Wise self. Sometimes it happens simply through encouragement, but I believe it's my path to help others find their own path.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
This is part of the Reverb 10 project.
December 7: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?
2010 has been a year of much community in business for me. I've met so many holistic healthand heart-centered practitioners on the North Shore. My Reiki students have formed a Reiki community here on the North Shore too, and there's the community of practitioners The Healing Center. My personal, spiritual communities include a Reiki community in Cambridge and Sisters in Celebration.
I'd love to continue to connect with and grow these communities in 2011.
Monday, December 6, 2010
The last thing I made this year was the new mission statement and membership model for The Healing Center. I bounced ideas off of my trusted advisors, and with the help of my fabulous assistant, I put together a handbook for the practitioners who work out of The Healing Center or who are interested in joining us. It took some serious concentration, brainstorming and creativity to birth this new business model, but I am pleased with it.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Reverb 10: Let Go
I let go of suffering this year. 2008 and 2009 were very difficult years for me. It is no secret that I experienced a lot of pain. The pain was accompanied by suffering; emotional anguish, anger, depression, and helplessness. I believed that they were inseparable. Then one day something happened - I found peace with the pain. By surrendering my resistance, magically suffering disappeared even though there was no wondrous resolution for the ongoing physical pain. I allowed myself to accept the situation completely ~ my body is in pain but I am alive and well ~ without judgement, without needing it to change. I no longer had to wait for the pain to go away in order to live my life and enjoy myself. Paradoxically, the more fun I have the less pain I experience. I still have chronic pain the challenges that come with it, but my life is magical and full of love, laughter, and joy. Through acceptance, pain has returned to it's proper role as a messenger in my body instead of the demon making life miserable.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Reverb 10: Wonder
I wanted my life to be filled with love, magic and laughter in 2010, and it was so. Wonder comes when I approach life with kindness, beginner's mind, curiosity, and optimism. What you focus on is what you attract into your life, so I chose my thoughts, words and actions purposefully to bring more positivity into my life.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Reverb 10: Moment
There were many moments where I felt 100% present, vibrant and alive in the past year. My favorite was watching the meteor shower in August with my sweetheart. We laid out under the stars on the dock. We could hear the fish splashing as they were feeding and the nighttime birds. Above us, the sky was clear and the stars vivid and beautiful meteors flew across the sky. The night went on and on and gradually a mist rose over the river bringing pre-dawn light. Fishermen started arriving and setting off on their boats. Gradually the stars faded away as the sun rose. It became a beautiful morning.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Reverb 10: Writing
This is a tough topic. There are so many things I do each day, how to evaluate which do not contribute to my creativity seems tough. Instead, I think I'll focus on which things do contribute as motivation to make them a consistent part of my daily routine. Waking up early for yoga and a meditation session puts me in a creative place. Also, a good workout gets my blood and creative juices flowing. Lastly, a few moments at night to reflect on my day and set intentions for the next keeps me grounded and centered. A flexible structure is key to creativity for me.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Reverb 10: Word
December 1 - One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? (Author: Gwen Bell)
2010 was my year for Unfolding. All sorts of wonderful things unfolded in my life this year: The Healing Center, my private practice, love, friendships, new spiritual direction, sisterhood, community, etc...
I'd like 2011 to be the year for Abundance. Abundance: love, laughter, companionship, creativity, productivity, connections, community, friendships, family, home, career.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Recently, I met with a supporter of mine so we could work on some strategy for growing our businesses and find new ways to deal with obstacles that keep popping up. With my help, she clarified the mission and vision for her business, and with her help, I uncovered a crucial characteristic of my ideal client that I hadn't noticed before. By the end of the afternoon, we both felt excited and ready to get back to our businesses with fresh perspective and ideas on how to better serve our clients and help them achieve their goals.
When you're undertaking a venture, whether it's a business, a spiritual path, having a baby or graduate school, having supporters is crucial to getting you through the tough times and having people cheering with you during the good times doesn't hurt.
Images of your mom or your best friend might come to mind when you think about who supports you, but when it comes a business or a career, having professional supporters can make a significant difference. Friends and family love you, and they want the best for you. The thing is that they may not understand the ins and outs of what's important to your career, especially if you are self-employed.
This is where trusted professional supporters come into play. A mentor who's been through it before can help you navigate tricky situations or give you a perspective that you hadn't considered before.
My team of trusted advisors have been invaluable in helping me vision my life and business, and with their support I've been able to accomplish my goals much faster and more gracefully than I would have on my own. A mentor isn't the only kind of professional supporter out there though. Colleagues can serve as supporters too, especially if you both share a spirit of collaboration instead of competition.
Who can know better what challenges you are facing than someone who's right there in it with you?
Especially when you're self-employed, finding others like yourself to brainstorm, creatively collaborate, and share techniques with can keep you inspired and motivated, even on the most trying of days. Supporters can become trusted resources that you can turn to for help dealing with a difficult client, ideas for moving forward when you're stuck, and simply forming a community that will celebrate your successes with you and rally around you when times are tough.
Who are your supporters? Take a moment now and see if there's anyone in your network who could become a supporter. Don't be shy about asking, I bet that most people you approach would be flattered rather than put off by a sincere offer to reciprocate support.
If you're a practitioner in Eastern MA, the new Practitioner Business Success Group meeting on Sunday, Nov 21 at The Healing Center in Beverly may be for you. It's a facilitated, collaborative mastermind of practitioners whose intention is to help you overcome current challenges. You're welcome to join us!
And no matter where you're located, if you're feeling stuck about getting your practice to the next level, the collaborative Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Apprenticeship starting in January may be just what you need to get through your roadblocks and onto the path of success.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Let yourself shine!
One of the most important pieces that we looked at was how to turn any form of promotion, advertising, and marketing into an opportunity to introduce yourself and start a heart-centered dialogue with your potential clients.
I was delighted when I saw the new website of one of the practitioners in the group. Her personality really shines through on her simple website, and the conversation she starts with her potential clients makes it clear who she can help and how she can help. This is heart-centered, authentic marketing at it's best, and all the hard work Sara did over the last six months is going to attract the right clients to her Massage and Reiki practice!
Check out Sara's opening dialogue and her personalized services on her website. All that's left for her to do is upload a really nice picture where she's looking into the camera and smiling.
Are you struggling to attract clients?
We can help! Come to the Practitioner Business Success Group on Sunday November 21 from 5-7pm to get support, strategy and inspiration to move your practice forward. You may also want to check out the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Apprenticeship that's starting in January.
"My practice was non-existent before I started with Joanna. My heart dreams of having a retreat center. My passion is to help others heal and grow through the challenges of life. There are so many significant things I received from working with Joanna. If I had to name three, they would be empowerment, being an authentic practitioner and healer and using my gifts and passions to do that. I loved the support, the guidance, the practices, the envisioning of dreams and the accountability to take action. I've believed in myself and my abilities and capabilities to follow my dreams. I've learned ways and practices to turn my thoughts around leaving my mindset in a more positive, empowering way. I developed skills to be more organized. I've also learned to move toward my dreams with more confidence and courage." Learn more about Jennifer's Personal Growth Workshops and Reiki sessions at The Healing Center here. |
Friday, November 5, 2010
Is your heart open?
In order to experience abundance, you need to be open to receiving it. You can envision and ask for what you need or want until the end of time, but it's not going to happen until your heart is open and receptive.
As I posted on Facebook this week: "You need to teach your heart how to *receive* just as much as you give to others. You have to build your receptive muscles until they are strong enough to accommodate the abundance you need to thrive in life."
In my experience, abundance comes when deep down you believe, really believe, that you deserve all the wonderful things that you desire in your life.
So many of us mistakenly believe that we need to work hard to earn the things we need and want, which is often rooted in a belief that we are not good enough to receive the things we desire. We often don't realize how pervasive this limiting belief can be.
One person I worked with this week realized that though she spent a lot of time praying about her clients finding the relief they need, she was not spending time visioning for herself and her own needs. It was empowering to remember that she deserved as many blessings in her life as she asked for her clients, and that she could improve her well-being by making time to work on changing her thought patterns that blocked abundance in her life.
This often presents in people who tend to be givers. They spend a lot of time building up their compassion and giving muscles, focusing on helping others so these good works will add up as karma points that will allow them to one day deserve the things they want and need. This week, I was able to help someone discover a block in her heart around this very area.
She works very hard to give and be of service as a healer, and she had put her faith in a Higher Power to provide for her needs. Yet, she was frustrated that the very basic things that she needs in her life have been out of reach for some time.
We discovered that while she was an expert in giving to others, she was blocking receiving love, help, gifts, and opportunities from other people. She was focused on receiving from spirit, but together we clarified that here on earth abundance flows through other people. In order to open the flow of abundance in her life, she needed to open her heart to the goodness and generosity of others.
Last, but not least - here's an example of when someone opens their heart to the flow of abundance. A friend of mine realized that her current apartment was just too small for the new business venture she was undertaking. She recognized that she needed space to run her business, so she made the decision to find a new apartment that better met her needs.
In the past, she would have blocked the flow of abundance by telling herself that she would never find what she needed in her price range and convince herself that it would never happen. Instead, she got really clear about exactly what she needed, and she set her intention and committed to staying positive.
She started telling people around her what she needed, and lo and behold, in less than a week she found the perfect apartment with space for her business and in her price range. It can be that easy when you are open and receptive for receiving what you need.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Do you have the keys and confidence to succeed?
Do you have the confidence, clarity and courage to shape your holistic health, bodywork or wellness practice into the type of business that brings you the clients income and opportunities that support and fulfill you every single day?
A thriving, successful, practice that is filled with clients you love to work with requires a commitment that you stay true to yourself in every way.
I've learned - and now teach - that the real secret of a thriving practice lies in your confidence, clarity, and courage to be yourself. When you operate and market your business from this place, the clients who need your help will find you.
If you are determined to see your holistic health, bodywork or wellness practice bring in the type of clients, income and opportunities that support and fulfill you every single day, this Apprenticeship is perfect for you.
The 12 week Apprenticeship will guide you in creating a sustainable, personalized foundation for your business so your practice will grow and thrive. It will take you step by step through the most important discoveries and decisions you need to make for a profitable and fulfilling practice. It will provide you with the inner and outer tools you need to become a successful heart-centered entrepreneur and practitioner.
Is this Apprenticeship right for you?
You are passionate about being of service and helping people feel better and change their lives. You are determined to make a difference in others lives and in your community by teaching and modeling what you know about how to live well and experience abundance.You are committed to working for yourself and making a comfortable living doing so. You arededicated to growing and maintaining an authentic business that is in alignment with your values and integrates seamlessly into your chosen lifestyle. You are enthusiastic about creative collaboration with other like minded professionals.
But you
- just opened your practice in the last six months (or are about to)
- are struggling to find clients or aren't totally sure how to attract the clients you need for your practice to be fulfilling and profitable
- aren't confident that you know the most affordable, effective, and yet compassionate way to promote your services
- want or need to grow your practice to full time so you can leave your day job and/or support yourself but don't quite know how to do so
- don't want to (or can't afford to) work alone in a private office and cover the expenses all by yourself
- are seeing clients at home which feels awkward at times
- sometimes your clients don't take you as seriously as you'd like
- are tired of the "Cycle of Despair" where you're always looking for new clients because your current clients aren't rebooking
This program is for those who are truly committed to offering their gifts and skills to help people heal and become well, and who are committed to creating a successful, sustainable business.
"I recommend this program because this is what WE all need. We need to look at the irrational obstacles we've created for ourselves. We need someone willing to genuinely help guide us and give us a supportive, structured opportunity to provide the best practice we possibly can have."- Jennifer C. (Read Jennifer's Success Story here.)
What's included in the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Apprenticeship?
This Apprenticeship will help you get clear on how to create and shape a successful Heart-Centered business for your practice. You will discover how to envision and create an authentic practice that supports your lifestyle, develop a soulful professionalism and communication style for interacting with your clients, and learn the best heart-centered business practices for your business. You will also experience the benefits of collaborating with like-minded professionals in the online community for inspiration, encouragement and accountability.
This includes:
- Your unique practice: your vision, your ideal clients, your gifts
- Authentic marketing strategies: your niche, tagline, and marketing materials that feel sincere and compassionate instead of "sales-y"
- Business strategies: work/life balance, finances, budgeting, business collaborations, building long term relationships, agreements, etc..
- Effective heart-centered communication with clients that encourages relationships
- Abundance and appreciation as strategies for growing your business
"I think the most valuable insight was realizing that I am holding myself back and no one else. I am able to dream bigger and I am more confident in the success of my business. It feels great not have to compromise between what I want to do and what I think will fetch me the most money. I have the confidence to do what I feel is best for me and I know that I will be provided for." - Olga T. (Read Olga's Success Story here.)
what people are saying...
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