If you're anything like me, you have a strong desire in your heart to be of service to others and have a lifestyle aligned with your values. And yet, while your heart yearns for this, you have too many commitments and responsibilities to take a leap of faith into a whole new lifestyle and start a business without a plan - you have to be practical.
Perhaps you're not even sure if it's realistic or possible for anyone, including yourself, to still be able to pay the bills and take care of your family as a healer and heart-centered entrepreneur. You dream of it though, and this desire in your heart keeps getting stronger instead of going away. And yet, it seems so impossible and impractical to leave your established career or job to embark on a new journey, even though your current situation doesn't speak to your soul.
It's possible though. I've done it, and I've helped others to do it too.
After high school, I didn't know what I wanted to do, and so at my parents encouragement I went to college and studied computer science. I didn't have a passion for it, even when I was studying it. I only lasted 3 years in high-tech after graduation before I burned out physically, emotionally and spiritually. I felt like the work I was doing was making the boss richer, and not accomplishing anything helpful for society or individuals. I felt so disconnected from myself, my passion for helping people, and my desire to be healthy, relaxed and well. It seemed like a no-win situation.
As an employee I made enough money to take care of my basic physical needs (car, apartment, food, medical care), but the work was not feeding my spirit and heart. My soul was starving, and I spent all of my free time and money receiving services from and studying with holistic health, wellness and spiritual mentors to try to satiate the hunger in my soul. I learned a great many things over the years, and I found a secret place in my heart that wanted to do this kind of work too.
I spent a long time looking for someone to hire me to do the kind of work my heart called me to do, almost 5 years searching with no results. I saw that a lot of people who went into private practice when they couldn't find a job doing their soul-work were perpetually struggling to pay their bills. It seemed like unless you were really lucky or smart, following your bliss in work didn't result in an ability to thrive in our 3-D world of bills, rent and purchases.
Eventually, I found some people in the healing arts who were able to be of service in a soul-ful and profitable way. So, I asked them a whole lot of questions, and I hired a business coach to help me fill the gaps in my knowledge. Through my experiences, I learned that there were specific skills one had to learn to have a profitable business, and it was a relief to realize that it was possible to be profitable in a way that has integrity and honors my values.
You can do it too! You can become a Heart-centered Entrepreneur with a business aligned with your soul that supports your life.
A Heart-Centered Entrepreneur is passionate about being of service and helping people feel better and change their lives.
She is determined to make a difference in others lives, in local and global communities, and model what she knows about how to live well, be in abundance and create prosperity through creativity and collaboration.
A Heart-Centered Entrepreneur is committed to creating businesses that are not only in alignment with personal and ethical values, but that support their chosen lifestyles too.
A Heart-Centered Entrepreneur is a leader and pioneer, committed to making change in the world by facilitating their own ongoing healing and growth and that of others.
A Heart-Centered Entrepreneur follows her bliss, doing work she loves and feels called to do.
A Heart-Centered Entrepreneur is someone who realizes the significant impact her mindful,heart-centered business can have on the world at large by modeling how collaboration, values based decision making and commitment to personal growth are sustainable, fulfilling and successful.
Do you have what it takes to become a Heart-centered Entrepreneur? I believe you do!
The world needs your talents as a healing professional. There are people out there hoping to find you to help them bring their lives and spirits back into balance. Stop hiding your gifts and giving them away to just family and friends.
Are you:
- trained in one or more healing or wellness modalities like Reiki, Polarity, Holistic Health Coaching, Spiritual Healing, Yoga, Massage/Bodywork, Feng Shui, Astrology, Shamanism, Herbalism etc...?
- living with a secret desire to have a lifestyle more aligned with your values where you work at your own private practice/business?
- too responsible and practical to take a leap of faith in starting a new business without training, support and a plan?
- working full time in your old career (or in your family) and need support and guidance in creating an exit strategy and transition plan into the life you dream of?
- new to entrepreneurship and need training and new skills so that your heartcentered business/practice will thrive and support your life?
- needing practical, real-life financial advice, strategy and support?
I can help! I can help you get clear on how to create and run a heart-centered business, create and implement a time line and exit strategy into your desired life.
You can learn how to make space in your current life for learning new skills and launching a heart-centered business, identify and work through emotional roadblocks and limiting beliefs that get in the way of progress towards your goals, develop a unique niche in the marketplace with a carefully crafted offering to your potential clients, authentic positioning and marketing, and client attraction plan, become comfortable with the heart-centered sales and agreement process so you develop long-term working relationships with your clients, establish your business part-time with 4-10 regular clients, map out a 1-5 year transition plan with achievable milestones and action plans, create a sustainable, practical financial plan for your transition, implement advanced heart-centered business strategies to grow your business, write your own realistic business plan and reference guide to keep you on track with your goals and timeline.