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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Revitalize with energy "snacks"

I posted previously about paying attention to the "food" in your energy diet, asking you to consider how you feel after exposure to different elements in your environment. This is part two of the series. Take a look here if you missed the original post.

You may have discovered that some things you encounter every day actually deplete your energy - maybe it's sirens down the street, construction in your neighborhood, or the guy two cubes over who bangs things around on his desk. It could even been the phone ringing off the hook or the clutter in your office that drains the joy right out of you whenever you think about it too much. Whatever it is that's depleting you - the great news is that you have the power to optimize your energy diet and reverse the flow.

Oh sure, it would be ideal if we could eliminate the things that are draining, but that's not realistic in 21st century urban america. There will always be loud noises, electro-magnetic rays from televisions, microwaves, cell phones, etc..., and people who push our buttons throughout the day. The key to revitalizing (and maintaining) your energy is to make sure you include nourishing energy "snacks" throughout your day, especially after exposure to things that diminish your well-being.

Energy "snacks" help you recharge in only 5 to 15 minutes - and planning for several throughout your day (and keeping an emergency stash on hand for unpredictable situations) will keep your energy and your spirits high. What's revitalizing for you may be different than for someone else - it varies depending on preferences and temperment. Here are some ideas to start you off on brainstorming your own energy booster "snacks" to include in your day.

  • putting on headphones (or surround sound) to listen to music that uplifts you

  • and dancing around the room

  • tickling a child (or willing adult) and sucumbing to giggles

  • sitting quietly with eyes closed

  • taking several deep breaths

  • running up a flight of stairs

  • stretching at your desk

  • locking yourself in the restroom for a few minutes of alone time

  • doing a somersault or cartwheel

  • singing at the top of your lungs or humming quietly

  • petting your cat, dog, gerbil, etc...

  • contemplating the view out your office window

  • doodling on your notepad

  • meditating

  • doing a quick series of yoga poses or holding one long pose

  • calling a good friend for support and encouragement

  • hugging someone you care about

  • losing yourself in a good novel

  • eating something slowly and deliberately, paying attention to every flavor and sensation

  • go outside and let yourself feel the sun and breezes on your skin

  • tell someone a joke and laugh with them

  • watch something ridiculous on youtube that makes you smile or laugh

  • give advice, support and encouragement to a friend

  • smile sincerely at a stranger, maybe even say hello

The trick is to come up with a list of things that boost your energy, and then pick a couple of things off the list to charge you up throughout the day. You may even want to take a pro-active approach and put them right into your schedule.

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"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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