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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Resources for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

It seems that at the beginning of every year, I am approached by new heart-centered practitioners about how to figure out the financial, legal and tax aspects of their burgeoning heart-centered businesses.

Here's a list of great resources I've compiled that may help you get your business organized for the new year, especially since tax time is right around the corner.

Small Business Administration
A great resource for starting a business is the Small Business Administration.

    Small Business & Self-Employed Tax Center
    I also send my clients to check out the IRS's Small Business & Self-Employed Tax Center for all kinds of resources and publications for paying your Federal taxes. There are even guides on how to Start a Businessand Operating your Business that go beyond just how to pay your taxes.

    Getting Started with a Business in MA
    If you're located in Massachusetts like me, there are some local resources to check out as well. There's theGetting Started with your Business website resource on Also, if you prefer a more in-person learning opportunity, check out all the free workshops and trainings offered at the Enterprise Center: The Region's Small Business Growth Center at Salem State University.

    Local Resource
    Another great local resource, no matter where you are located is your city or town clerk's office. They can tell you what you need to do to get a business license in your city or town.

    Empowered Bookkeeping
    I can't speak more highly of my personal financial coach and cheerleader. If, like me when I started, you're a woman who's not really confident about your financial skills, Lili Rahmati at Empowered Bookkeeping may be just what you need!

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