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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Nourishing Yourself: A Strategy for Growing your Business

There is a little parable I've heard many times which sums up the theory behind this strategy for running a heart-centered business. It basically goes like this: Imagine yourself as a fountain of water giving nourishment out to all who ask for it. You enjoy giving to others, but eventually you are going to run out of water, right? So in order to keep giving, you have to allow your fountain to receive water from another source. So, in order to give - you have to receive. Are you making sure you are filling up your fountain or are you running out of water?

Here's an exercise you can do to assess which areas of your life need some extra TLC in order to shine in 2011.

Let's get totally honest here.

What's fallen off your plate since the holidays began? What kinds of self-care and nourishment do you need? Are you running on a full "tank" or are you somewhere close to empty?

Check in with yourself - where's the gauge at?

Physical: Full ---------------------- Empty

Emotional: Full ---------------------Empty

Spiritual: Full -----------------------Empty

Intellectual: Full --------------------Empty Social/Family: Full --------------------Empty Romantic: Full ---------------------- Empty

What top 3 things do you need to nourish immediately?




What other things do you need to nourish over the next few weeks or months?





Need a little extra support? Here are some ways you can get involved. For community support, encouragement, strategy and inspiration, check out the new Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Forum. If it's accountability, strategies and guidance you need, check out private coaching with me. I also teach heart-centered entrepreneurship at North Shore Community College.

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"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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