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Monday, May 16, 2011

A new way to be in business

Over the last decade, I have witnessed and worked in all aspects of the wellness industry watching it bloom, decline, shift and evolve in response to the world economy and growing awareness, globally, of what is needed for healthy communities, people and natural environments.

We have become a global society, connected to our communities locally and online across the globe via the internet and social media. We are no longer sheltered and isolated, aware only of what happens locally and what is reported on the news. We are a global society who can witness, experience and be active in helping humanity and mother nature heal from our own destruction of the earth, the upheaval in communities by natural disasters, consequences from economic ups and downs, war, famine, political games, etc... across the world through the innovation of technology and instant communication.

Inside this global society, a shift has begun. People are moving away from the excess, waste and destruction of monolithic companies and corporations into collaborative communities of individuals, organizations and small businesses who are creating conscious change and healing through their humanitarian, heart-centered and environmentally conscious works.

Specifically, we ~ the progressive, intuitive healers who are ushering in a new (or old depending on how you look at it) paradigm of living in harmony with mother nature and within our own human communities ~ need to consciously transform the act of being in business into a heart-centered, relationship and service oriented enterprise that is grounded in abundance and collaboration instead of greed and competition.

The truth is that we cannot leave the "dirty" work of running a business to those who don't understand that we are ushering in a healing evolution, and we simply cannot successfully guide and facilitate the healing of others without healing our own relationship with money and business.

We need to heal and reclaim the notion of what it is to be in business and to be in service.

We are on the cutting edge of this healing evolution, and it is up to us to show our clients, our students, and everyone else how to live and work in harmony with each other and mother earth. That's a pretty big responsibility, isn't it? And yet, it wouldn't be honest or healthy if we healers ignored this aspect to our own healing and growth.

Starting a heart-centered business is simply another part of your personal healing journey, and I invite you to join me on this path if there is an urging in your heart to help others. Don't be afraid to follow your heart or the guidance of your spirit. You don't have to figure everything out on your own. There are heart and soul centered mentors, like me, paving the way, making it possible for you to become an intuitive, inspired business owner that works and lives with integrity, compassion and abundance for your own highest potential and the greater good of all.

Do you have what it takes to be in a heart-centered business for yourself? I believe you do.

If you have what it takes to be committed to your own well-being, your own spiritual development and to treating others with love and compassion, then I know in my heart that you have the kind of commitment it takes to grow a heart-centered business that provides healing and growth opportunities for those who need your support and guidance.

Not only that, you have what it takes to allow your heart-centered work to be a channel for abundance, prosperity and love in your life and in this new global society.

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what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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