Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ready, Set, Let's go!

Buff your Business! Bootcamp for Heart-centered Entrepreneurs

I've created the Buff your Business! Bootcamp for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs to motivate and inspire you to reach your business goals. It's called a bootcamp because it involves a commitment to daily business building exercises so you can get real results in your business.

Watch my Welcome video!

Do you need clarity, inspiration and more clients? Then this program is for you!

This program was inspired by my own experiences participating in online bootcamps for physical fitness. I love the challenge of working out every day, being held accountable and being able to share my ups and downs with a buddy or three. Bootcamps shared with friends are an extremely motivational and fun way to be disciplined and create habits that lead to success.

Building and maintaining a successful business requires the same kind of discipline as a fitness routine, as consistency is the key to success. Showing up every day for your business is just as important as showing up every day to your yoga mat.

Lots of entrepreneurs are sporadic about their promotional activities, focusing on clients when there are plenty, and then scrambling to find more when things slow down. This bootcamp is designed to motivate you into creating successful promotional habits to keep your business flowing smoothly all year long. It takes discipline and commitment to get real results in your business, but it doesn't have to be dreary. We are going to have tons of fun working out our businesses together!

How does it work?

You'll follow the 7 day "Buff your Business" program of exercises designed to help you attract clients and pick up momentum. Doing this program for four weeks will help you make business buffing habits a part of your work routine. You'll do one exercise each day for a minimum of 15 minutes. Also, you're invited to stretch into doing 5-30 minutes of centering yourself 5-7 days of the week.

You'll follow this program for four weeks. It's going to stretch and challenge you, but it'll be worth it. You will see results in your business, as consistency and follow through are keys to a successful business.

What if I have more questions or need support?

You will be participating in the Buff your Business! Bootcamp inside a free forum to record your progress and share your insights with others doing the program. The forum will be a place where you can connect with other people who are participating in the program. Post your goals, questions and more in the forum to get feedback and support from me and a group of others like you.

Overall, this bootcamp will make sure you are implementing successful business building strategies and turning them into a routine to keep your client flow full. By doing a different exercise each day, you'll have more fun and be more likely to stick with it!

Need premium support?

For those of you needing more support, accountability and someone to push you (gently, with love) into the next level of success for your business, the Premium Breakthrough Bootcamp is for you! This program includes everything in the free version along with private coaching sessions with me over the phone.

Are you excited? I sure am!

Create your account and start the Buff your Business! Bootcamp right here!

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what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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