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Friday, September 2, 2011

Connecting from the heart

The Buff your Business! Bootcamp was inspired by my own experiences participating in online bootcamps for physical fitness. I love the challenge of working out every day, being held accountable and being able to share my ups and downs with a buddy or three. Bootcamps shared with friends are an extremely motivational and fun way to be disciplined and create habits that lead to success.
Building and maintaining a successful business requires the same kind of discipline as a fitness routine, as consistency is the key to success. Showing up every day for your business is just as important as showing up every day to your yoga mat.
There is no denying it - social media is the way people connect online. Short, snappy status updates on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and the new Google+ are the way to engage your audience and potential clients in conversation.
This is especially true if your ideal clientele are under 50 years old. If you happen to work with a more senior population, perhaps you can skip this step. Although, I know plenty of people in the 50-70 age group who research on Google, shop online and stay connected with family and friends on Facebook. So perhaps, unless you work specifically with a 75+ community, online socializing may not be a necessity.
Hmm. These elders may have children and caregivers who are likely researching online and staying connected via social media, so really, there is no excuse not to get comfortable using social media.
So whether your business sells heart-centered products or services, social media is a great way to expose people to your offerings. Think of those little status updates as mini-opportunities to connect with your ideal clients and introduce yourself.
Please, however, do not view your status updates as commercials. People are already bombarded with ads online and on tv, and social media is a place where you can make a heart connection with someone.
Yes, heart connections are even better on the phone or in person, but in this day and age you have to show up where people are - on their laptops, Ipads or smart phones. Think of social media as a way to get to know people so you can invite them to meet you in person later.
So let's get right to the important stuff: how do you make a heart connection with someone on social media?
By writing about what's close to your heart. By writing with passion and a generosity to share what you know and love. By commenting on other people's posts with love, kindness, and compassion. First impressions are still important, it's just now that more of them are taking place online these days.
So get creative and start a heart-centered dialogue with your audience on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or LinkedIn. Share interesting links related to your passion and sum up profound thoughts in 120 characters or less. You can do it! It's like challenging yourself to write in Haiku. "Social media / choose your words and phrases well / it will be archived."
Just do us all a favor and remember that consistency is not the same thing as repetition.
Consistency means showing up and sharing; whereas repetition becomes boring and annoying very quickly. You are welcome to direct people occasionally to your offers or craft an offer within a status update, but be careful not to turn your social media feed into a home shopping network.
Rule of thumb: keep direct promoting to 1 out of every 5-10 status updates you make. Let the rest of them be conversational and heart-centered so you can build a relationship that may turn into business one day. Need more guidance on how to connect from the heart using social media? Check out the suggested activities in the Buff your Business! Bootcamp E-book.
If you're not feeling confident about your business and need support in identifying your ideal clients, crafting your offer, and communicating from the heart to your audience, the Heart-centered Entrepreneur Apprenticeship is where to start. The next program starts in September.
If you'd like to learn how to listen to your heart, get clarity about your path and hone your meditation and visioning skills, the Clearing Your Path for Success Learn at Home Program is what you need. It includes a workbook and 5 guided meditations set to inspirational music that you can do at home by yourself or with a buddy.

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"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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