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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Baby steps towards relaxation

One dynamic that is particularly challenging in our culture is balancing our innate needs for rest and movement. When we are super busy all the time, always moving, or regularly tense or anxious, our bodies bring us back into balance by catching those dreaded colds or flus to force us to stay home to rest and rejuvenate and return to homeostasis. If you don't want to end up stuck in bed this month, there are some easy techniques you can incorporate into your life to keep balanced. I suggest you schedule downtime for yourself and practice doing leisure activities. Just like when you begin an exercise program, you're most successful at reducing stress and relaxing if you take baby steps. Start with just 5 or 10 minutes three times a week.

Start with a leisure activity that gives you something to do while practicing rest and relaxation - reading a book, petting an animal, knitting or painting. Eventually you might add 10 more minutes onto your sessions and a few additional days a week and flex your skills with some intermediate activities such as reflecting on your life, writing in a journal, or drinking a hot beverage in a cozy room. As you work up to a deeper state of peace and calm and become adept at being still, you might try more advanced resting techniques like sitting and looking out your window to observe the weather, or meditating and quieting the mind. It might seem silly to practice relaxation like this, but I'm certain you know someone who just does not know how to slow down. Yet it's a skill that can be developed with practice - I promise. And the benefits to your health, your sanity and your well-being are priceless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had an anxiety attack bad enough to send me to the emergency room in July and I have to agree that the best medicine I got, was taking some time for myself, taking some "me" time to build a little relaxation nook in my bedroom used for reading, playing the guitar and escaping and other things mentioned by Joanna. It was a forced exercise at first, but eventually became the part of my day I most looked forward to. I work a tumultuous six day sixty hour work week which is often go, go, go. Now, knowing I have my routine to look forward to. Knowing that when I get home I am going to not only change my mind-set, but physically change the atmosphere around me gets me through my most stressful times. Sometimes it is easy to slip back into old routines especially this time of year. Thank you Joanna for reminding me to visit my happy place. I needed it.

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"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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