Wow, what an amazing weekend in Portland, Oregon with Mark Silver of Heart of Business and all the other participants of the Sacred Moment Seminar!
I learned so much about the dance between business owner and potential client as they feel each other out to see if working together resonates. Even more life changing was the Sufi technique of Remembrance that I write about below.
On the plane ride home, my inspiration and creativity were flowing and the new program that's been gestating this winter finally blossomed. It's called Your Exit Strategy: One Year Journey from Heart-sick Employee to Heart Centered Entrepreneur and Soul-satisfying Living.
This program is for healers who are leading double lives - one life in the profession that no longer calls to them and the other as a spiritual being on a path of healing and teaching, often in the closet except with a few close friends or family. I know all about this double life, as I lived it myself for years. If this resonates with you, take a peek at the description on my website.
Practitioners, if you need something to shift so that you are attracting clients and experiencing your business in a flow of abundance, the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Apprenticeship is for you. I am now accepting applications for the next Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Apprenticeship starting on April 4th. Spots are limited so get your application in early. Request an application and more details here. |
![]() Remembrance
One of the Sufi techniques we practiced all weekend at the Sacred Moment Seminar is called the Remembrance. It's a quite simple, and yet profound, way of filling your heart with appreciation from the Source.
Apparently, there are many names for God in the Sufi tradition, and one of those names is Ash-Shakur. The story with this name is that in the beginning there was just God. God wanted to be able to see, experience and appreciate all aspects of itself so God created all the creations in the Universe. Ash-Shakur is the name for God that means "One who Appreciates", and we connected with this aspect frequently throughout the weekend.
As we leaned back (metaphorically and physically) into the Source in Remembrance and asked for Appreciation, we were amazed how easily and powerfully we received it! It never failed to fill our hearts with a sense of being unconditionally loved. And, wow what things you feel you can accomplish and experience when you are held in that place!
This technique is so easy, and I have been teaching it to everyone I've encountered since my return from Portland! It's been an "Ah-ha!" experience for all whom I've shared it with. My sweetheart and I have even been ending our nightly phone calls by dropping into Remembrance and Appreciation We've been ending our nightly phone calls by dropping into Remembrance and Appreciation together.
Here's my version of how to lean back into the Source for Appreciation and support.
1. Relax Begin by sitting somewhere comfortable where you won't be disturbed for 5 minutes or so. Take some slow, gentle breaths and release any tension in your body.
2. Check in with your Heart Bring your attention to your heart center. Check in and see what you are experiencing at this moment. Trust and make space for however you are feeling - whatever it is - it's ok. Just acknowledge how you feel and allow it to exist.
3. Connect with the Source With your attention in your heart center, ask the Source to come forth and be present in your heart. The way we learned was to repeat a name of Source that resonates with us. For me, it's "Mah", but choose something that works for you. Repeat the Name in your heart a few times and gently let your heart open to receive this connection.
4. Ask for Appreciation Share the feelings you discovered a few minutes ago in your heart with the Source. Pour your heart out to the Source if you need to. Once it's all been acknowledged, simply ask to receive Appreciation. Keep breathing with a soft heart and allow yourself to receive whatever comes. For some it may just be a peaceful feeling, for others a vision, and for others maybe a song or words. Allow yourself to lean back and receive this Appreciation, knowing you held by the Source.
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