Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Remembering to surrender

I am having a hard time since my hip started hurting on Tuesday evening. I am frustrated and disappointed that this aggravated hip is taking time out of my days and botching my plans for the week. I am starting to wonder if there is some message in the hip pain about stretching too fast and the snapping back that happens when something feels threatened.
We weren’t working strenuously in yoga class, mostly we were stretching. I recall reaching into a place in my left hip with one of the stretches, feeling a muscle wake up that I hadn’t noticed before, a depth to the stretch I hadn’t felt in this hip in years. I felt fine at the time, but about an hour after the class my core and hip muscles locked up around the area and two days later they are still tight and sore. That muscle in my hip must have called in the troops because it felt vulnerable and in danger of being hurt by the new sensations of the stretching.
This seems relevant to human nature.
If we venture out of our comfort zones too quickly without feeling safe and supported, we almost involuntarily snap back into a safe space to hide for awhile. I’ve sure experienced this with my heart in romance, in my career and especially with my business. I have definitely been working on stretching my edges in many aspects of my life this summer, and the stretch hasn’t always held.
It’s two steps forward, one step back.
Mark Silver talks a lot about making it safe for yourself and your clients to do the sacred healing work you are here to do with your business. His solution is to lean into the Divine in Remembrance for all the nourishment, support, nurturing, faith, love, energy and support you need to feel safe.
Today with this ouchie hip that prevents me from bending down to feed the cat and reach for pots on the bottom cabinet shelf, I feel unsteady, unstable, not safe in my body and in the kitchen. I feel frustrated that I have to ask for help with things I “should” be able to do myself. I am frustrated that this pain is distracting me from working on the big project I excitedly planned for today. I am frustrated that many of my plans for the week have been thwarted by this pain in my left hip.
Insert big, dramatic sigh here.
And as I finally give up and stop trying to push through the pain to get just one small task accomplished so I feel good about myself, as I grump around my apartment refusing to laugh with my sweetie as he attempts to cheer me up, as I retreat to the bedroom with tea, journal and pen, I finally remember to surrender.
Sometimes the only thing you can do is surrender to the circumstances. We spend so much time believing we are in control, and yet we really are not most of the time. There’s nothing in my power to prevent the hurricane that’s coming on Sunday and disrupting my full day of meetings and clients. I can complain about it, but at the end of the day all I can do is surrender to mother nature and come up with a plan b, whatever that is, that works within the limitations outside my control.
Just like with my aggravated hip. I surrender, finally. I give myself permission to feel ok even though the pain distracted me from my planned project all day. I let go and accept that this is how it is today. And as I do so, all that frustration, stress and anxiety pushing down on my chest melts away.
I can breathe deeply again. I can laugh, pet the cat, and finally relax. I surrender.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What are you offering?

Creating a successful business requires the same discipline as establishing healthy habits for physical well-being. The reality, just like with working out, is that lots of people are sporadic with promotional activities. Let's break the cycle of despair and create successful, steady promotional habits to keep your business flowing smoothly all year long.
While it takes discipline and commitment to get consistent results in your business, it doesn't have to be dreary. The seven different bootcamp days are designed to keep you on your toes and inspire you to get creative with your promotional activities so they are fun for you.
So without further ado, Day 2 - Make an Offer (every time!). Watch my video here.
Making a confident, heart-centered offer while face to face with someone is the best opportunity for transitioning an interested person into a client.
In a client ~ practitioner relationship, it's your responsibility to make it as seamless and easy for someone to book a session as possible. Handing them your card and walking away is a lost opportunity. When my friendCatie Shoenfarber gave a workshop to The Healing Centerpractitioners, she emphasized that making a heart-centered offer EVERY time is the way to start filling the pipeline of your business.
So, how do you create a heart-centered offer?
Your offer needs to be positive, specific and include your next available session (up to 3 options) as well as your confidence that you can help the person.
Catie suggested crafting formulas for your offers that you can practice until they become second nature. Choose your offers based on your goals for the year to help you meet them.
An example of a specific, heart-centered offer is: "I understand your situation, and I can help you. This is what I specialize in, and I have been able to help other clients reach the same place. I would love to work with you in reaching your goals, here are my openings this week." Tweak this offer with specific details about your own practice.
Don't hand the responsibility over to the client to contact you later to schedule the appointment.
Catie pointed out that you offering a specific appointment time is your commitment to this potential client. Making a commitment first makes it much easier and less scary for a potential client to commit to an appointment with you.
One of the challenges practitioners run into is fear of rejection. We all feel it from time to time, but it's important to learn how to keep your heart open and allow it to be ok if the person doesn't say yes.
My rule of thumb is to expect that 90 percent of my offers are refused this time, so I keep offering until I connect with that 10% who are ready to work with me today.
I trust that keeping my heart open and flowing with love will attract the people who need my help the most, and it's ok when people who aren't ready say no. It's not about me, it's not personal. It's about them and where they are at today. It takes a little practice to shift into this perspective, but it's very rewarding when you do!
Trusting in abundance, filling your heart with love, meditation, centering yourself, practicing the Remembrance are all ways to practice keeping your heart open no matter what the other person says or does. Check Appendix A & B of the Buff your Business! Bootcamp Ebook for resources and ideas on staying centered and abundant feeling.
If you're not feeling confident about your business and need support in identifying your ideal clients, crafting your offer, and communicating from the heart to your audience, the Heart-centered Entrepreneur Apprenticeship is where to start. The next program starts in September.
If you'd like to learn how to listen to your heart, get clarity about your path and hone your meditation and visioning skills, the Clearing Your Path for Success At-home Study Programis what you need. The Premium version of this program is included in the Apprenticeship, but the E-program includes a workbook and 5 guided meditations set to inspirational music that you can do at home by yourself or with a buddy.
Do you need help with your business? Do you have a strong desire to shift your life or your business in a more meaningful and prosperous direction, but something is blocking you? You've been talking to other people, researching, seeking out options and opportunities, but still something is blocking forward movement.  Do you need support, accountability and someone to push you (gently, with love) into the next level of success for your business? If so, the Breakthrough Bootcamp is for you! This 4 week coaching program is designed to get you the breakthrough results you need to create forward motion quickly.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

What can your heart hold?

I spent today in retreat, meaning I spent a lot of time giving myself Reiki and sitting in Remembrance so I could clear out the block I was feeling about my business.  At first sitting in Remembrance was really tough, as this block in my heart made me want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head or turn on the TV and distract myself from it. I took a break to eat some chocolate, and then I went back to it.
As I continued to sit with it, I reminded myself that it was ok to just feel the block and allow the emotions to exist. I didn’t have to feel inspired, clear or motivated, it was ok to stay with my truth of being stuck and blocked. I started to notice what emotions were wrapped up in that tight feeling in my heart. There was frustration and crankiness with being uninspired, a bit of fear about finances (pretty typical), and underneath that a lot fatigue. The fatigue surprised me the most since I didn’t know it was there, and I wondered what I was tired from?  At this point, I shifted tactics and put my hands on heart and solar plexus to give myself Reiki. If I am fatigued, then some extra energy would help for sure. I continued with Remembrance. (If you don’t know what the Remembrance is - check out my blog post here.  Never heard of Reiki?Learn more here.)
In addition to Remembrance allowing me to get up close and personal with whatever yucky stuff is going on with me on a subconscious or spiritual level, it’s also a healing opportunity. In Remembrance, we are connecting directly with the Universal source and so much love and healing is available here. All you have to do is ask.  Which I did.  I breathed into the tightness around my heart and even dozed off for a bit. When my meditation chimes rang to let me know 20 minutes had gone by, I still felt some tightness. So I stayed with it - trusting that it would ease if I could be patient and persevere.
Suddenly, I noticed the block had eased in my heart. I could breathe easier. I started to feel clearer and lighter. And then it hit me, I am exhausted from doing so much, working so hard this summer. I love what I do, and this makes working such a joy for me, so it wasn't that. Then I realized how many transitions have been happening in my life since April. I moved into a new home, am still adjusting to living with my sweetie for the first time, my sister got married, a new niece or nephew is on the way, and I shifted into a new relationship with my business.  So much going on, and I dealt with the anxieties and fears by throwing myself into my work. I even did this silly thing where I made my Sunday schedule 9am-8pm. Really, Joanna? You are in the wellness business. What were you thinking?
It’s funny that you can still fall into unhealthy old habits when there is stress. Even when you know better. Even if it’s good stress for positive life changes. Even when your sweetie points out nicely that aren’t you working an awful lot? *sigh* Once that unraveled, I saw that I needed to get realistic about how much space and time for working with clients, working with the practitioners at The Healing Center, and writing I could really hold every week while having a healthy balance of self-care, and time for family and friends.
I pulled out my journal and made a list of what I wanted to be doing.  I gave myself permission to go crazy with my ambitions.  Then I got real about it, actually pulling out the calculator and showing myself that there's no way to turn 24 hours into 35 each day. I had to step back and start from the other end. With only 24 hours in the day and enough hours dedicated to sleep and self-care, I admitted that it really was reasonable to only expect myself to work for 8 hours, 5 days a week. I have a hard time limiting myself this way, so I have to get disciplined about sticking to a schedule and making enough time for self-care, relationships and TLC.  You might resonate with me on this, or you might be challenged on the other end with your business - not committing enough time to your work so you can hold the clients your heart longs to help.
With a better picture of what my heart, mind, body and spirit could really hold every week, I was able to compromise and come up with a schedule that allows me to be fully present with clients & students without burning out. I had to make some tough decisions about how many clients and students I can really support, but I know it’s for the best.  Limiting my schedule means I can give clients my best, and I feel lighter and more confident about that. I also feel supported, knowing that my personal needs are included in my schedule.
Have you checked in with your heart recently to see what it can really hold for your clients and yourself? Is there room for supporting more clients or do you need to cut back the quantity so you can provide the best quality support for them?  What do you need to bring balance, peace and lightness to your heart? 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Centering yourself is #1 strategy for success

As you know, the Buff your Business! Bootcamp was inspired by my own experiences participating in online bootcamps for physical fitness. I love the discipline and challenge of working out every day but changing up what I do each day for variety so I don't get bored.
The other thing I love about bootcamps is doing it with a buddy who can hold me accountable and share the ups and downs. I find this to be extremely motivational and a fun way to create healthy habits.
Creating a successful business requires the same discipline as establishing healthy habits. The reality, just like with working out, is that lots of people are sporadic with promotional activities. Heart-centered entrepreneurs sometimes get caught up in client work when they are busy, and then when the client flow slows down to a trickle (or even a drought) they panic and start scrambling to attract clients. It's a cycle of despair fraught with stress and anxiety. Let's break the cycle and create successful, steady promotional habits to keep your business flowing smoothly all year long.
While it takes discipline and commitment to get consistent results in your business, it doesn't have to be dreary. The seven different bootcamp days are designed to keep you on your toes and inspire you to get creative with your promotional activities so they are fun for you.
So without further ado, Day 1 - Center yourself!
Let's be totally honest here.
Yes, you absolutely love helping other people feel good. After all, that's why you are a heart-centered entrepreneur.
Most likely, you completely understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle that includes the activities, relaxation, supplements, food choices, exercise, meditation, time with loved ones, following your bliss, soul food etc... that you teach or give to your clients.
Being happy and healthy so you can do your best work as a cheerful role model for your clients is crucial. Clients love when you are happy, well and embody all the heart-warming qualities that they wish they had in their own lives. It's attractive, and it will motivate them to keep spending time with you.
And so, it's really non-negotiable. Centering yourself is the #1 thing you can do to guarantee your success as a heart-centered entrepreneur.
Meditation is a great way to center yourself. It's one of those techniques, over time with practice, that subtly shifts you into a more permanently relaxed, go with the flow state of being. There are so many different ways to meditate! Don't dismiss it as something you can't do because the idea of "clearing your mind of thought" sounds impossible.
Check out Appendix A of the Buff your Business! E-book for meditation resources and ideas.
If you're not feeling confident about your business and need support in identifying your ideal clients, crafting your offer, and communicating from the heart to your audience, the Heart-centered Entrepreneur Apprenticeship is where to start. The next program starts in September.
If you'd like to learn how to listen to your heart, get clarity about your path and hone your meditation and visioning skills, the Clearing Your Path for Success At-home Study Program is what you need. The Premium version of this program is included in the Apprenticeship, but the E-program includes a workbook and 5 guided meditations set to inspirational music that you can do at home by yourself or with a buddy.
And, for those of you needing more support, accountability and someone to push you (gently, with love) into the next level of success for your business, the Premium Breakthrough Bootcamp is for you! This 4 week coaching program is designed to get you the breakthrough results you need to create forward motion quickly.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ready, Set, Let's go!

Buff your Business! Bootcamp for Heart-centered Entrepreneurs

I've created the Buff your Business! Bootcamp for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs to motivate and inspire you to reach your business goals. It's called a bootcamp because it involves a commitment to daily business building exercises so you can get real results in your business.

Watch my Welcome video!

Do you need clarity, inspiration and more clients? Then this program is for you!

This program was inspired by my own experiences participating in online bootcamps for physical fitness. I love the challenge of working out every day, being held accountable and being able to share my ups and downs with a buddy or three. Bootcamps shared with friends are an extremely motivational and fun way to be disciplined and create habits that lead to success.

Building and maintaining a successful business requires the same kind of discipline as a fitness routine, as consistency is the key to success. Showing up every day for your business is just as important as showing up every day to your yoga mat.

Lots of entrepreneurs are sporadic about their promotional activities, focusing on clients when there are plenty, and then scrambling to find more when things slow down. This bootcamp is designed to motivate you into creating successful promotional habits to keep your business flowing smoothly all year long. It takes discipline and commitment to get real results in your business, but it doesn't have to be dreary. We are going to have tons of fun working out our businesses together!

How does it work?

You'll follow the 7 day "Buff your Business" program of exercises designed to help you attract clients and pick up momentum. Doing this program for four weeks will help you make business buffing habits a part of your work routine. You'll do one exercise each day for a minimum of 15 minutes. Also, you're invited to stretch into doing 5-30 minutes of centering yourself 5-7 days of the week.

You'll follow this program for four weeks. It's going to stretch and challenge you, but it'll be worth it. You will see results in your business, as consistency and follow through are keys to a successful business.

What if I have more questions or need support?

You will be participating in the Buff your Business! Bootcamp inside a free forum to record your progress and share your insights with others doing the program. The forum will be a place where you can connect with other people who are participating in the program. Post your goals, questions and more in the forum to get feedback and support from me and a group of others like you.

Overall, this bootcamp will make sure you are implementing successful business building strategies and turning them into a routine to keep your client flow full. By doing a different exercise each day, you'll have more fun and be more likely to stick with it!

Need premium support?

For those of you needing more support, accountability and someone to push you (gently, with love) into the next level of success for your business, the Premium Breakthrough Bootcamp is for you! This program includes everything in the free version along with private coaching sessions with me over the phone.

Are you excited? I sure am!

Create your account and start the Buff your Business! Bootcamp right here!

what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

Click here to read more of what my clients are saying...