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Sunday, October 14, 2007

You are how you sleep!

I did some research last week about sleep, and I found a lot of great information here on the National Sleep Foundation's website.

Did you know that not getting enough continuous sleep can affect your memory, make it more difficult to exercise, harder to focus and complete work, and affect blood pressure, blood sugar, and kidney function? Sleep is important!

Here are some tips from the National Sleep Foundation on how to get the best night's sleep!

  1. Stick to the same schedule for going to bed and getting up every day. Even on weekends! This helps your body stay in tune with the circadian rhythms that regulate your sleep.
  2. Have a relaxing bedtime routine that you follow every night.
  3. Make your bedroom conducive to sleep - keep it dark, quiet and cool!
  4. Make sure your mattress and pillows are comfortable and supportive! How old are yours?
  5. Use your bedroom only for sleep - don't engage in activities that are stressful, exciting or anxiety producing.
  6. Finish eating 2-3 hours before bedtime so your digestive system can rest with you.
  7. Exercise regularly, a couple of hours before bedtime. It can take as much as 6 hours for body temp to go down after a workout, and a cooler temp is associated with falling asleep.
  8. Avoid caffeine close to bedtime.
  9. Avoid nicotine - when used close to bedtime it can make it more difficult to fall asleep.
  10. Don't drink alcohol close to bedtime. Alcohol disrupts sleep patterns, causing middle of the night awakenings.

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