Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.
- Burton Hills
Helping heart centered entrepreneurs thrive in life and business. Be yourself and change the world!
If you find not what you seek within, you will never find it without.
"I would absolutely most definitely recommend you to anyone I know who is looking for Reiki. I have worked with many many healers, psychics, shaman, you name it, all around the country, and I honestly wanted to let you know that you are with the ones I consider to be at the top! If I didn't think this, I simply would not mention it. So please know that it is how I truly feel!" - Denise S.
Do you get spring allergies like I do? Here are some of my favorite tips for managing!
Wow, your ezine is chock full of interesting information. I don't know how you do it so often, but I look forward to reading it each time it arrives. Thank you. - Beth S.
"Your ego generally doesn't approve of downtime because it's asked to give up control, which it doesn't want to do. Rather, it wants to run your life through fear and anxiety, keeping things in your head and under control. Downtime liberates you from this fear based treadmill and reconnects you to the pace and peace of the Universal flow."Instead, she suggests letting your inner child take over for the ego for a while and using that time to play instead. She says:
"To... instantly restore good vibrations, all you need is a serious dose of recreation and playtime. Rather than continuing to relentlessly press against the uphill battles of life, it's necessary to back off at regular intervals and do something fun. This gives your ego a break and allows your creative spirit to incubate...I've been hearing it from everyone and have even been complaining about it myself - the winter blahs are here! We're all tired of the cold dreary days. We feel lethargic, unmotivated and bored, isolated and make ourselves unhappy with our mental clutter. Let's take advantage of the natural downtime provided by winter, shut off our egos and invite our inner children out to play!