Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are you sure?

One of my clients asked herself this question as she considered jumping with both feet into the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Apprenticeship. Even though she is a very talented and compassionate healer, she wasn't sure she wanted to become a business owner and self-employed practitioner in order to share her gifts with the world. Does this resonate with you?

If there's a small doubting voice in the back of your mind asking if you're sure you have what it takes to open a private practice doing the heart-centered work that you feel called to do, know that you are not alone!

Starting a business can be overwhelming and non-intuitive for heart-centered individuals. In fact, most of us dislike the idea of getting involved with "business" because in the mainstream "business" often seems unhealthy, negative and focused on profit at the expense of the environment, our communities, our neighbors and our hearts.

Why would a heart-centered person with a passion in her heart to help others heal and find balance desire anything to do with that kind of negativity?

Of course she wouldn't. Instead, and I am sure you have done this just as I have, she wishes someone else would do the dirty work of running the business and hire her to do the life changing, world healing work with clients without getting involved with the business aspects. If only it was that easy!

The truth is that in this economy, in current Western culture, those life-affirming, well paying jobs for healers (who work on any level of mind, body, psyche or spirit) that we hope for are rare. The truth is that we cannot leave the "dirty" work of running a business to those who don't understand what we're doing, and we simply cannot successfully guide and facilitate the healing of others without healing our own relationship with money and business.We need to heal and reclaim the notion of what it is to be in business and to be in service.

We ~ the progressive, intuitive healers who are ushering in a new (or old depending on how you look at it) paradigm of living in harmony with mother nature and within our own human communities ~ need to transform the act of being in business into a heart-centered, relationship oriented, abundance focused enterprise.

We are on the cutting edge of this healing evolution, and it's up to us to show our clients, our students, and everyone else how to live and work in harmony. That's a pretty big responsibility, isn't it? And yet, it wouldn't be honest or healthy if we ignored this aspect to our own healing and growth.

Do you have what it takes to be in a heart-centered business for yourself? I believe you do. If you have what it takes to be committed to your own well-being, your own spiritual development and to treating others with love and compassion, then I know in my heart that you have the kind of commitment it takes to grow a heart-centered business that provides healing and growth opportunities for those who are seeking. Not only that, you have what it takes to allow your heart-centered work to be a channel for abundance, prosperity and love in your life.

Starting a heart-centered business is simply another part of your personal healing journey, and I invite you to join me on this path if there is an urging in your heart to help others. Don't be afraid to follow your heart. You don't have to figure everything out on your own. I can show you how to be an intuitive, inspired business owner that works and lives with integrity, compassion and abundance.

Here are some of the ways to get involved with the growing Heart-Centered Entrepreneur community: You can receive support, encouragement, strategy and inspiration in our newHeart-Centered Entrepreneur Forum. Also, private coaching with me, a 12 week apprenticeship and on-site mentoring are available at The Healing Center. I also teach heart-centered entrepreneurship at North Shore Community College.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Resources for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

It seems that at the beginning of every year, I am approached by new heart-centered practitioners about how to figure out the financial, legal and tax aspects of their burgeoning heart-centered businesses.

Here's a list of great resources I've compiled that may help you get your business organized for the new year, especially since tax time is right around the corner.

Small Business Administration
A great resource for starting a business is the Small Business Administration.

    Small Business & Self-Employed Tax Center
    I also send my clients to check out the IRS's Small Business & Self-Employed Tax Center for all kinds of resources and publications for paying your Federal taxes. There are even guides on how to Start a Businessand Operating your Business that go beyond just how to pay your taxes.

    Getting Started with a Business in MA
    If you're located in Massachusetts like me, there are some local resources to check out as well. There's theGetting Started with your Business website resource on Also, if you prefer a more in-person learning opportunity, check out all the free workshops and trainings offered at the Enterprise Center: The Region's Small Business Growth Center at Salem State University.

    Local Resource
    Another great local resource, no matter where you are located is your city or town clerk's office. They can tell you what you need to do to get a business license in your city or town.

    Empowered Bookkeeping
    I can't speak more highly of my personal financial coach and cheerleader. If, like me when I started, you're a woman who's not really confident about your financial skills, Lili Rahmati at Empowered Bookkeeping may be just what you need!

    Sunday, January 2, 2011

    Defining Moments


    December 29 Prompt: Defining moment. Describe a defining moment or series of events that has affected your life this year.

    Most of the defining moments in my life in 2010 involved spending time with inspirational people who facilitated insight for me about various aspects of my life: romance, business, spirituality, abundance, etc... Some of these people include my mentor Brenda Stanton, my personal financial cheerleader Lili Rahmati, my talented intuitive friend Susan Sloane and her healing circles, the members of the Cambridge Reiki Practitioner group, my Reiki students and the North Shore Reiki community, my clients and all the holistic health professionals andHeart-Centered Practitioners I've met through my work in Beverly at The Healing Center.

    what people are saying...

    "Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

    Click here to read more of what my clients are saying...