Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Friday, August 31, 2007

Streamlining your space

A few weeks back, I talked about how streamlining your home and office is one way to keep your energy up for fueling your life. If you missed the post about Saying No and Letting go, take a look here. That discussion inspired me so much, I am determined to go through my whole house by the end of the fall. Honestly - this is a pretty daunting project, so I did some research to find out what experts had to say about how to streamline and organize your home, office and life.

The first tip I found was to break down large projects into smaller, more manageable chunks! What a great idea! Instead of trying to find the time (and energy) to rehaul my entire home in one fell swoop, I decided to break it down by room and how much time I spend there. Since I spend most of my time in my office studio, I started there. Currently, I'm working on the closet and storage area since the bedroom is the next place I spend significant time. I plan to work on the kitchen and pantry once the bedroom is complete, and then move onto the livingroom, library areas and bathrooms.

Once I got my mini-projects, I wondered how to streamline. I found advice from another expert who recommended analyzing the area to identify problems, and then taking it a step further to figure out why these problems were happening and how to address them. So, taking my closet for example, I discovered it was hard to find anything or really know what was in there because it was crammed full of stuff and clothes. Why? Because I kept putting more and more items in there and never took anything out. The solution in my case - get rid of stuff!

Depending on the type of problems in your space, the solution is going to vary. If you aren't sure what is going to work in your situation, take a look at the myriad of resources on the internet. Organizing 101 on has a lot of useful links, or Get Real Solutions for Your Home on iVillage. While you're there, you might even want to find out your Organizing Obstacles with the help of Vicki Norris.

In summary, this is what the experts had to say about how to start streamlining and organizing your space.

1st - break down large projects into smaller chunks
2nd - analyze the space to identify problem areas
3rd - determine the cause of the problem
4th - come up with a solution before you move on to the next area

Good luck!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My journey to wellness

I was a hi-tech corporate burn out in just three short years after graduating with a BS in Comp Sci from UMASS Lowell. This was during the big hi-tech boom at the end of the 90's. First I was working 60 hours a week preparing for the apocalypse at midnight on 1/1/00, and I thought "Oh I'll relax and chill out once that impending disaster has passed." Then before I knew it, I was wrapped up in working 80 hours a week on this or that cool new thing for the newly exploding internet marketplace. Months and months went by - eating breakfast, lunch and dinner provided by the company to keep us working day at night. Exercise? Who has time to exercise when you are at work 10-12 hours a day and commuting another two hours. For a while, I had this uneasy feeling but I tried to ignore it. My intuition was telling me this was not how I wanted to spend my life, and one day I just had enough. I was exhausted, overweight, and miserable. I felt that if I didn't do something RIGHT NOW to change my life path, I would live out the rest of my adult life tired and sick. I made a vow to myself to recover my sanity, health and well-being, and then figure out how to stay well! So, I stepped out of the rat race, and it was just as well because shortly after that the hi-tech boom ended and people were laid off in droves.

Over the next 6 years, I experimented on myself and studied various disciplines with masters and teachers. I went to an acupuncturist religiously for a couple of years to bring my energy back into balance and release an allergic pattern my body had developed. At the same time, I worked one on one with a Tai Chi master who taught me awareness of Chi and how to re-energize. He also taught me the philosophies of Taoism and the importance of balance to well-being. I had a dramatic healing with a Reiki Master which inspired me in later years to study and learn with two other Reiki Masters to become a Reiki Master Teacher myself. For two years, I apprenticed with local expert herbalists to learn how the energy of plants can facilitate healing in the body. For about five years, under the compassionate and nurturing guidance of several female teachers, I also undertook to heal the spiritual and emotional aspects of myself through introspection, reflection and exercises. I also spent several years of these years to earn a Masters of Science degree in Natural Health where I studied homeopathy, nutrition, healthy lifestyle habits, human development, psychology and the psycho-spiritual aspects of health and well-being. (Oh yes, I was busy! I also worked full or part-time during these years, and tried to start up my own business more than once as well!)

It took a lot of hard work, but I healed my mind, body and spirit. In addition to returning to wellness, I learned how to STAY well too. Some people, especially those raised in more traditional cultures in the far east, know what to do to feel their best all the time. The rest of us, deprived of this knowledge in our culture and our schooling, need to learn how to maintain wellness in the midst of the chaos of 21st century living. Once I learned the secrets and time-tested techniques to maintaining wellness, I dedicated my life to helping others to feel better too. For a while, I tried jumping back into the rat race to see if I could help people from within the system, but it is hard work fighting against "the way things are". After giving my all to turning the Titanic, I decided I better find another way to help people or risk having to start over again on my wellness journey. About six months ago, I decided to jump ship, get on my own zippy little boat, and spread the message about wellness. So, I started this business dedicated to showing others how to feel their best and stay that way!

Find out more about my background on my website here.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

New Schedule as of 9/1/07

Reiki & Wellness Sessions Available:
  • Sunday 3 - 8pm
  • Tues 3 - 8pm
  • Thur 11 - 8pm
At Union Square Acupuncture 21 Bow Street, Somerville, MA

Schedule your appointment by contacting Joanna at 617-429-1793 or

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Reiki Shares

Reiki Shares are study and support groups for Reiki practitioners of all different levels. During a share, we share Reiki with each other for well-being and personal healing, ask lots of questions, compare experiences, practice old and learn new techniques.

I am pleased to be hosting Reiki Healing Shares on the fourth Sunday of the month at Union Square Acupuncture for local Reiki practitioners of all levels and from any school or background. Please RSVP as space is limited. Contact me at

Upcoming Reiki Healing Shares
When: Fourth Sunday of the Month
Time: 6-7pm
Cost: $5-10 sliding scale
Who: any Reiki 1 or above practitioner
Bring: yourself, snacks, questions and ideas
August 26th
September 23rd
October 28th
November 25th

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Connecting to the Source

In my previous postabout maintaining your flow of energy, I gave an exercise for recharging your spirits when your energy is low. Here is another simple technique adapted from qigong. This meditation provides an opportunity to connect to a vast source of energy (or spirit depending on how you see things) that is always available to you.

Stand or sit comfortably with feet flat on the floor and back straight. Visualize your head reaching out into the universe. Imagine your feet rooting deep into the earth. Visualize the front of your body reaching out beyond the horizon in front of you. Feel the back of your body reaching out into the universe behind you. Expand your left and right sides out beyond the horizon into the universe. Reach your attention out infinitely in all direction, like a growing sphere. Hold for a moment. Then bring your attention to the energy center of your body - located near the navel. Visualize that expansive sphere shrinking and condensing into a point in your center. Hold for a moment and absorb the energy from the source available to you. Release again out in all directions. Pause. Condense. Absorb. Repeat for 5 - 20 minutes.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Maintaining the Flow - Part 2

Last week I talked about maintaining your energy flow through what you eat and physical exercise. Take a look here if you missed that post. Now, let's look at moving your energy directly through intention and visualization.

Here is a simple exercise to get energy moving – I find that in a pinch at work, waiting in line, sitting in a car, or any other situation where I can't get up and get moving that I can revive my spirits doing this. It's especially useful in a situation where you can't stop to rest and really need some extra oomph to push through a slump.

Sitting or standing comfortably, close your eyes if possible. Feel your feet touching the floor. Bring your consciousness down through your feet, through the floor to the earth. Bring yourself down deeper and deeper into the earth until you reach the hot core. Take a moment to collect that fiery, vital energy and bring it back up through the earth through the floor into your feet. Bring it up through your legs to your root chakra at the base of your spine, in the pelvic area. Imagine anchoring that connection in your chakra and feeling the energy flow through there.

Retrace your steps back to the core of the earth, and bring energy back up through the earth, through your feet, through your root to your belly chakra that is located halfway between your pubic bone and your bellybutton. Imagine anchoring the line of energy in your belly.

Then repeat again going back down to the core of the earth and bringing vitality up through your feet, your root, your belly and into your power chakra located in your solar plexus at the base of your ribcage.

After you anchor the connection there, repeat this exercise moving the energy up from the earth and anchoring it in each of your chakras. Next is your heart at the center of your chest, then your throat, then your third eye at the forehead, and finally your crown just above the top of your head. When the energy flows up through you and out your crown, imagine it flowing gently down through your aura back to the earth like a waterfall.

Now your body and your energy is flowing naturally.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The new and improved YOU!

I updated my website.

Does any of this sound like you?

I work really hard and for long hours.

I have a jam packed schedule of commitments and to-do lists.

I am a busy parent: juggling work, home and childcare.

I would feel better if I could just...
- stop feeling so tense or stressed out
- be calmer and centered more of the time
- stop feeling so worried or anxious
- slow down long enough to stop feeling run down
- find time to relax
- have more energy to get through my day

In less than an hour, you will feel better or it is free!
With only a 30 or 60 minute Reiki session, your well-being is guaranteed to improve. If you don't feel better at the end of your session, you don't pay. Try it risk free. You're worth it! I can help you to relax and rejuvenate.

Would you like to improve your wellbeing?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New Rates & Packages

Want to relax and feel great?

Find solutions to stress, fatigue, tension and worry here

Call 617-429-1793 or email to schedule a session so you can start feeling better.

Services & Rates

New Rates as of September 2007

Wellness Services Phone Consultation
15 minutes ... FREE

Single Reiki Sessions
30 minutes ... $35
60 minutes ... $65

Reiki Packages
*may be used by individuals, families or groups*
Package of 4 - 30 minute sessions ... $140
Package of 4 - 60 minute sessions ... $240
Package of 8 - 60 minute sessions ... $400

Wellness Programs

One Month
60 minutes weekly ... $240
90 minutes weekly ... $350

Two Months
60 minutes weekly ... $400
90 minutes weekly ... $600

If you are not satisfied with your session, a full refund is guaranteed. Take a look at the rest of my practice policies.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Maintaining the Flow - Part 1

While we are busy tending to our social lives, we may find that the summer has slipped by in a bustle of activity without much time for conscious thought about taking care of ourselves. The end of summer may find us exhausted and sluggish.

To keep energy levels high for maintaining our busy lifestyles, we must remember to flow through the seasons like Mother Nature. A diet that is light and cool is key to balance during the hot months, and as the cooler weather approaches keep the body warm with more grains and root vegetables. Lucky for us, we are blessed in summertime with the watery, cooling fruits and vegetables of the earth this time of year. These wonderful foods are available at farmers markets or local grocers. Fresh and raw or cooked, for optimal wellbeing, make these foods a staple of your diet during the summer and early autumn months. In addition to providing water to help with hydration, fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and fibers which nourish and assist our bodies in preventing heart disease, certain types of cancer, and contracting viruses and infections.

An important aspect of health is exercise. Moving the body increases circulation and not only stimulates the digestion, it stimulates the body to release toxins whose build up can cause sluggishness and fatigue. This time of year provides so many opportunities to get outside and get moving. It may seem counterintuitive to be physically active when you are tired, but more often than not, doing so gets your energy moving and alleviates fatigue.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Joanna's hours and rates

For the rest of August, I have appointment times available at Union Square Acupuncture on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Take a look here for my current rates and services.

Just some advance notice of upcoming changes: in September, my single session rates will be going up due to rent increases. Also my schedule is probably going to change, but it has not been determined yet.

Monday, August 6, 2007

A life of their own?

Returning home after a 20 day vacation provided the opportunity to look at my home, my office and my schedule with a fresh perspective. After living out of one suitcase for three weeks, everything seemed so much more complicated than necessary. My feeling on this was cemented while I was looking for an important document and wondering why there were five or six different places that it might be found. I wasted an hour searching, when I could have used that time to finish a project, or even better, had an additional hour at the end of the day for self-care and relaxation.

I wondered why there are so many places for important documents all over my apartment, and while I was at it, I also wondered why there are so many email accounts for me to wade through, so much junk mail to recycle, and so many different places I keep track of invitations and appointments. It appears that when life is hectic and busy, sometimes things just seem to have a life of their own and multiply until you put a stop to it.

The solution to making more free time and energy for non-work pursuits is to streamline and simplify! Conserving energy by not dispersing it in multiple unsatisfying directions is one of the keys to becoming and staying energized and well. There are many different approaches to simplifying, but I don't want that to get complicated either. I am going to stick with these two maxims: Say No and Let Go. For instance, I can solve dilemma about the missing document by Saying No to multiple locations where I toss things and instead designate a specific location and make a point of using it.

How many different areas of your life would benefit from using these phrases to focus, streamline and simplify? I imagine there is more than one! Here's an exercise in using them:

Pick one area of your home or office that seems to have the most life of it's own. In my house, it's usually the kitchen! Take a look around and identify the items of particular concern. In my kitchen, the recycling and those plastic grocery bags are out of control; in addition, there seem to always been more dishes than we can handle. Now, brainstorm ways to simplify by Saying No and Letting Go. I can Say No to plastic grocery bags at the store by bringing reusable canvas bags, and I can Let Go of the hundreds sitting there by putting them out with the recycling. As for managing the large piles of paper and plastic recycling that is often tripped over in my kitchen, I could start Saying No to buying individually packaged items at the grocery store, opting instead of bulk good whenever possible. I could also Say No to catalogs by having the companies take me off their mailing lists, and Say No to junk mail by getting my address off those lists too. I can also Say No to my laziness and make more of an effort to bring the recycling out to the bins before it piles up. As for dishes, I can Let Go of keeping 8 settings accessible for every day use by putting half of them away for special occasions.

Which part of your house (or maybe your job) seems to have the most life of it's own? How can you streamline and simplify by Saying No and Letting Go?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Deepen your commitment to self-care with Reiki 2

Reiki is a healing practice not only for others, but more importantly for yourself. Those who have received a Reiki 1 attunement and completed the 21 days of self-Reiki are eligible to take Reiki 2 training. It includes more in depth commitment to self-care, meditation and visualization practice, how to create a healing space, introduction to the Reiki symbols, Reiki for emotional and mental healing, distance healing, and more practice giving Reiki to others. After the Reiki 2 attunement, you have increased capacity for directing Reiki flow to yourself, loved ones and clients, if you so choose. During the training you have the opportunity to practice the techniques, give and receive Reiki.

The next Reiki 2 training course begins in September. It meets on Sunday afternoons from 4:30-6pm at Union Square Acupuncture on Sep 9, 16, 23, and 30. The registration fee is $100 and includes Reiki 2 manual. Registration is open!

Email me at or call me at 617-429-1793 to reserve your spot now. Class space is limited!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Learn a simple self-care tool for relaxing

As I tell my students, Reiki 1 training provides you with some simple techniques for easily moving yourself into a state of deep relaxation. Not only can you release physical and emotional pain with Reiki, by alleviating the stress on your system from holding tension, you will sleep better and have a stronger immune system. The next Reiki 1 training program meets on Tuesday evenings four weeks. It's only $75 to learn this valuable tool for increasing and maintaining personal vitality, and registration is now open. Registration fee includes Reiki 1 manual and Certificate at the end of the course.

Reiki 1 training meets 7:30-9pm at Union Square Acupuncture
Aug 28, Sept 4, Sept 11, Sept 28

Email me at or call me at 617-429-1793 to reserve your space now! Class size is limited!

what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

Click here to read more of what my clients are saying...