Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Open the flow of abundance in your life

What is abundance, anyways?

I believe that experiencing abundance is the antidote to being paralyzed by anxiety and fear about the state of the economy or your personal finances.

So what is abundance, anyway? The dictionary defines abundance as:
  1. A great or plentiful amount.
  2. Fullness to overflowing: "My thoughts . . . are from the abundance of my heart" (Thomas De Quincey).
  3. Affluence; wealth.
And I am here to tell you that not only is abundance a state of being, it's also a mindset and way of experiencing your life.

Practicing gratitude is the quickest and easiest route to experiencing a sense of abundance. As soon as you start appreciating all the things you have in your life, especially the intangibles like love, friendship, creativity, and inspiration, your perceptions effortlessly shift into an experience of abundance.

While it's tempting to think that abundance is comprised of affluence of material posessions or money, the truth is abundance comes from a different source.

Lynne Twist, in her book Soul of Money, observes, after many years of philanthropic work connecting people with loads of money with the poorest people on the earth, that the experience of abundance and the feelings of contentedness, security, and happiness that come along with it were more often found in the peoples in the poorest communities than among those individuals with great wealth of money.

Perhaps you noticed my very specific choice of words in that last sentence. If not, I'll lay it out for you again. The experience of abundance and the feelings of contentedness, security and happiness that comes along with it were more often found in the peoples in the poorest communities than among those individuals with great wealth of money.

Yes, it seems that abundance is experienced more by people interconnected and interdependent with each other within caring communities, than it is among individuals who feel all alone and defensive in a competitive world even if they have boatloads of money.

So the more you are connected to a collaborative community of other people who reciprocate caring for each other and sharing resources, the more likely you are to experience abundance in your everyday life.

And that's not all. Abundance is an experience of being and having enough.

As I said above, abundance can be a mindset. It can be practiced, cultivated, and mastered as a philosophical or spiritual path that truly comes from inside of you.

While there are those lucky folks who grew up feeling deeply loved and cherished and who experienced the sense of being good enough, valuable and worthy on a cellular level since childhood, most of us came from human families that did their best and still left us with some faulty formative experiences that convinced us at a young age that we were not good enough in one way or another.

And the nagging, often subconscious, beliefs of not being good enough, not being valuable enough, not being enough, cuts us off from experiencing abundance in its purest form as a deep abiding knowing that your human and spiritual needs will be provided for by the basic design of the Universe. Abundance will flow to you through your community, your loved ones, your creative work, and all kinds of wonderful, unexpected ways, especially if you are open to receiving and experiencing it.

Abundance is so much more than money and financial wealth, it's an experience of a different kind of currency - love, inspiration, hope, belonging, self-worth, etc...

To find out more, I invite you to join me for my teleseminar Opening the Flow of Abundance in your Life! on Weds, March 24th at 12pm. Register here.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Success Manifestation

After a decade long self-discovery journey and becoming an Ordained Minister so I could help others to find truth and happiness, I decided to blend my self-discovery process with my know-how of the wellness industry to show emerging and established practitioners how to transform their special gifts, talents and burning desire to help others into an authentic, fulfilling, client attractive business that integrates seamlessly with their chosen lifestyles.

My experiences mentoring other women to help them find their truth and unique selves during my ministry training has lead me to develop a self-discovery process that allows you to find your inner voice and step into your most authentic, powerful, fulfilling self. I teach this process of self-discovery through one-on-one coaching, tele-courses and mypublications.

But it doesn't stop there. Once you have discovered your calling, the world needs you to get out there and do it! You need to make the decisions and take the steps to manifest it into a real practice or business. Through my years working in all aspects of the wellness industry from back office, to front desk, to treatment room as a practitioner and coach, I have learned all of the important keys needed to create a thriving wellness business. So, I can guide you through all the aspects of creating and running a focused, client attractive business based on the platform of your passions and talents. (Check out my free workbook "Six Steps Every Practitioner Needs to Take")

Hence my motto: "Be yourself and change the world!"

To date, I have helped many emerging and established practitioners shift more fully into their calling and manifest valuable practices making positive change in the world. To read about some of the people I've helped, check out the Success Stories on my website.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Diva Toolbox Blog - Joanna Scaparotti says Be yourself and change the world!

Featured on the Diva Toolbox Blog today:

Be yourself and change the world!

That's my motto. It means owning your gifts, your life experience, your perspective, and all the wonderful things that make you uniquely you. And then taking these gifts to the people around you and helping them heal and become their healthiest, happiest, most magnificent selves. Read more...

what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

Click here to read more of what my clients are saying...