Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Friday, March 14, 2008


"I would absolutely most definitely recommend you to anyone I know who is looking for Reiki. I have worked with many many healers, psychics, shaman, you name it, all around the country, and I honestly wanted to let you know that you are with the ones I consider to be at the top! If I didn't think this, I simply would not mention it. So please know that it is how I truly feel!" - Denise S.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tips for easing allergies

Do you get spring allergies like I do? Here are some of my favorite tips for managing!

  • Sign up for alerts from This site sends you an email every day telling you the pollen counts in your area so you can be informed and prepared!
  • Use a neti pot a sinus rinse set to cleanse your nose and sinuses of irritants once or twice a day. Watch this video about it on the Mayo Clinic's site. You'll be amazed at how much your symptoms decrease!
  • Start eating local honey as soon as it's available in the late winter/early spring to help your body become less sensitive to local pollens. If you suffer from severe allergies, check with your doctor first.
  • Try cutting out dairy products. Dairy can increase congestion in some people which can make allergy symptoms worse. Substitute with almond, soy or rice milk products for a week to see if makes a difference.
  • Drink herbal teas with peppermint and eucalyptus to support your respiratory health such as Breathe Deep from Yogi Tea.
  • Add a morning yoga routine. Nothing loosens up a tight chest and restores the ability to breathe deeply and fully like sun salutations!
  • Make time to relax every day. Nothing increases allergy symptoms more than overwhelm, stress or tension! Slow down and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Tips on Spring Cleansing

Ok I know you are going to ask about detoxing or cleansing programs next, so let me tell you about some of my ideas. Though there are many detox programs out there, they can be harsh and difficult to manage. I prefer intentional nourishment programs, like the one outlined below, as a pleasant way to cleanse and renew your commitment to healthy living.

This program is especially good to use at the change of seasons, at the beginning of a weight loss program, during times of stress and tension, or during any time of transition to help instill healthy habits. Try it for a weekend or a week, and see how you feel!

• A good vegetarian cookbook for ideas
• several lemons
• local honey (to build up immunity to pollen)
• organic apple cider vinegar or brown rice vinegar
• olive, flaxseed, safflower or sesame oil
• garlic
• ginger
• your favorite herbal teas, green teas
• organic and whole foods

o For your meals - cut out packaged and pre-cooked foods, dairy products, anything rich or high in fat, and stick with the basics
o Breakfast: choose fresh fruit, granola, whole grain cereals, soy or rice milk, or try scrambled eggs with veggies
o Meals & Snacks: choose organic whenever possible from the following: leafy greens, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, chickpeas, red, white, black, pinto beans, lentils, tofu, eggs, fish, lean meat, whole grains like quinoa or brown rice
o Flavor your meals with apple cider, balsamic or brown rice vinegar, olive, flaxseed, safflower or sesame oil, garlic, ginger, lemon juice, onions and herbs and spices
o Drink plenty of water (flavor with lemon if you desire), herbal and green teas sweetened with local honey

What to do
• Begin the first night with a healthy dinner with above suggested foods. Consider a salad in warm weather or soup or stew during the colder months. Use lemon, garlic, vinegar, ginger, herbs and spices, and oils listed above as your condiments. Try not to eat too late.
• Set aside time to do the Chi Kung Healing Meditation.
• Drink plenty of water and/or herbal teas throughout the evening.
• Choose a healthy breakfast from the foods suggested above & feel free to drink tea with local honey.
• Make a healthy, seasonal midday meal using the guidelines above.
• Set aside time to do the Chi Kung Healing Meditation once or twice each day
• Snack on veggies and fruit throughout the day if you are hungry or drink water with lemon if you are thirsty. Drink plenty of water and tea all day long.
• Exercise gently doing cardio, walking, yoga, or stretching to circulate your cardiovascular and lymphatic system to help them work most efficiently. Make sure to bathe afterwards to cleanse your skin of any toxins that were released.
• Generally take it easy, try not to do anything stressful, and enjoy yourself. Give yourself the time and space you need during this cleanse. Pick up an old hobby or a new one and generally try to relax during the cleanse instead of working or worrying.

Chi Kung Healing Meditation

Set aside time each day to do the following exercise.
• Sit in a comfortable position in a chair or on the floor.
• Start by envisioning someone who brings you happiness or makes you smile when you think of him or her.
• Bring that smile into a golden globe in front of you. Bring it in your third eye and bring it down to your heart. Offer your heart love and kindness. Sit with it as long as you want. Observe what happens or does not happen.
• Then bring your smile down to your lungs. Do the same.
• When you are ready, move on to your pancreas, then liver, the kidneys, then bladder, then reproductive organs.
• Then go back to the golden globe and swallow it into your stomach. Repeat the loving, kindness with your stomach, then spleen, small intestine, large intestine, gallbladder, and colon.
• Your loving intent will nourish and enliven your internal organs!

Spring Cleaning - Inside and Out

After the long winter, we may find ourselves facing the spring feeling sluggish and fatigued, which is not a great way to start the spring, especially for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. So, while you’re doing your spring cleaning around your house, consider giving your body a spring cleanse too.

The wise woman tradition says that our bodies know how to take care of themselves, but it is up to us to provide them with the most nourishing foods possible. If we nourish our bodies, our bodies will take care of detoxing by themselves, and the organic, whole foods we provide it for nourishment will help new, healthy cells grow to replace the ones the body naturally releases.

A spring cleanse can reenergize you, minimize allergies, and strengthen your immune system by bringing your body into balance with the natural world. Start off by cleaning out your pantry and replace the packaged foods with whole grains, rice, and beans. Throw out the heavy rich foods you've been eating all winter, and fill your refrigerator (and meals) with all those local fresh, whole foods that are becoming available at your farmer’s market or grocery store. Pick up a vegetarian or whole foods cookbook for menu ideas using more produce.

what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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