Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Friday, October 30, 2009

Who is supporting you?

Yesterday, I met with a supporter of mine so we could work on some strategy for growing our businesses and find new ways to deal with obstacles that keep popping up. With my help, she clarified the mission and vision for her business, and with her help, I uncovered a crucial characteristic of my ideal client that I hadn't noticed before. By the end of the afternoon, we both felt excited and ready to get back to our businesses with fresh perspective and ideas on how to better serve our clients and help them achieve their goals.

When you're undertaking a venture, whether it's a business, a spiritual path, having a baby or graduate school, having supporters is crucial to getting you through the tough times and having people cheering with you during the good times doesn't hurt. Images of your mom or your best friend might come to mind when you think about who supports you, but when it comes a business or a career, having professional supporters can make a significant difference. Friends and family love you, and they want the best for you. The thing is that they may not understand the ins and outs of what's important to your career, especially if you are self-employed.

This is where trusted professional supporters come into play. A mentor who's been through it before can help you navigate tricky situations or give you a perspective that you hadn't considered before. My mentor's help has been invaluable in re-visioning my life and business, and with her support I've been able to accomplish things much faster and more gracefully than I would have on my own.

A mentor isn't the only kind of professional supporter out there though. Colleagues can serve as supporters too, especially if you both share a spirit of collaboration instead of competition. Who can know better what challenges you are facing than someone who's right there in it with you? Especially when you're self-employed, finding others like yourself to brainstorm, creatively collaborate, and share techniques with can keep you inspired and motivated, even on the most trying of days.

Supporters can become trusted resources that you can turn to for help dealing with a difficult client, ideas for moving forward when you're stuck, and simply forming a community that will celebrate your successes with you and rally around you when times are tough.

Who are your supporters? Take a moment now and see if there's anyone in your network who could become a supporter. Don't be shy about asking, I bet that most people you approach would be flattered rather than put off by a sincere offer to reciprocate support.

If you're a practitioner in a wellness or mind-body-spirit field in Eastern MA, the Heart Centered Practitioner's Meetup in Salem is a place where collaborative community is being built. You're welcome to join us!

And no matter where you're located, if you're feeling stuck about getting your wellness or mind-body-spirit practice to the next level, the Clearing your Path for Success Virtual Mastermind starting on November 10th may be just what you need to get through those Roadblocks and back on the path to Success.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Who do you serve?

As I sat this morning preparing to write to you and let you in on how the new services I'm offering can help you get more fulfillment and success from your wellness practice, a timely email arrived in my inbox from Mark Silver (the author of Heart of Business). He wrote today about how a heart centered business is not so much about what you DO but about WHO YOU SERVE.

We talked about this topic back in August, about how clients choose practitioners based more on how they feel when they interact with their practitioner rather than their technique or modality alone. (Check out my article: Do you know what your gifts are?)

Personality, passion, and your message are the significant factors in attracting and keeping clients. They aren't searching so much for Reiki, Massage or Yoga as they are searching for someone who is enthusiastic and supportive about their goals for relief, elaxation, emotional healing, a feeling of being cared for and listened to, or increased well-being and peace.

Getting the clarity about WHAT your gifts are and WHO you serve with them, and then finding the inner COURAGE and CONFIDENCE to take the steps to bring your gifts to the world and help the people you are here to help is what Clearing your Path for Successis all about. This program shows you how to hone in on how and who you help best so that you can convey this to potential and current clients as you communicate with them in the office and with your marketing materials.

I think that you will benefit so much from this program, that I am giving a free workshop at my Grand Opening Celebration on November 3rd so you can get a taste for it without making a commitment. If you like what you experience at the freeworkshop, you may be ready for the 6 week Virtual Mastermind (fancy way of saying teleclass & online forum) that will follow!

You don't have to take my word for how beneficial this program can be, listen to what one of my clients has to say about her experiences:

Are you ready to check it out? Register here for the Grand Opening Celebration and Workshop on November 3rd. Please feel free to bring a friend! The party will start at 5:30pm, and the workshop will kick off at 6pm.

I want you to find the confidence, clarity and courage you need to practice from your heart! Check out the resources and free guided meditation available at the online Grand Opening Party on my website.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grand Opening Party!

The online Grand Opening Party for my new website and new programs for wellness practitioners starts today! Please join us in celebration and enjoy your free gift!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Soul of Money

I just want to send you a quick clarification about the author of The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of our Inner Resources. Her name is Lynne Twist, and you can learn more about her and her mission at the Soul of Money Institute.

Have a great day!

Joanna Scaparotti Reiki & Wellness Master/Teacher & Coach

Joanna's Website

Be yourself and change the world! Helping wellness practitioners thrive in life and business.

A you-and-me kind of world

Hello! How are you?

If you didn't get a chance to make it to my presentation Clearing your Path for Success at the Natural Living Expo two weekends ago, I'll be offering it again on the North Shore very soon. Stay tuned!

The Expo was fabulous, not only were the people who came through wonderful, I was blessed to be located in a wonderful corner of the Grand Ballroom with some genuinely positive and friendly individuals. I learned a lot from being in their presence all weekend. Their generosity with advice, support, and enthusiasm reminded me about the you-and-me kind of world where there is enough to go around that Lynne Swift talks about in her book The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of our Inner Resources.

Ms. Twist suggests approaching life from a you-and-me perspective instead of seeing it as a you-vs-me world.In this spirit of collaboration instead of competition, please join me and other heart-centered bodywork & wellness practitioners like yourself at the Tavern in the gorgeous Hawthorne Hotel this Weds at 7pm for mingling, support and encouragement. Bring your business cards, brochures, and any challenges or questions that are blocking you from thriving in an authentic flowing practice. Come meet other heart centered practitioners in the area to give and receive and be a part of our creative collaboration!

This networking/community event is free of charge and a fantastic opportunity to meet others walking a similar path and get answers to your most pressing questions about starting and growing your authentic practice. Bring a friend! The details are here: Heart Centered Practitioner's Meetup.

Be well!
Joanna Scaparotti Reiki & Wellness Master/Teacher & Coach

Joanna's Website

Be yourself and change the world! Helping wellness practitioners thrive in life and business.

what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

Click here to read more of what my clients are saying...