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Friday, May 14, 2010

What if you are already good enough?

In preparation for the creative retreat I attended last weekend, my mentor had all of the participants read The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of our Inner Resources by Lynne Twist.

Ms. Twist, a long time fundraiser and activist for The Hunger Project who has worked closely with some of the most resource rich and resource poor individuals and communities in the world, puts forth some revolutionary ideas about our capacity to experience abundance no matter where we are in the world and what our access to money is like.

She actually challenges us to let go of the money myths that have become the foundations of our Western capitalist culture ("there isn't enough to go around so stockpile as much as you can for you and yours") and replace them with a liberating, and ancient, myth of abundance ("there is enough for all of us").

At this creative retreat, we explored how to weave the myth of abundance into our businesses, lifestyle and even spirituality. As we explored how to integrate our passions and businesses with our chosen lifestyle, we were actually exploring how the paradigm of enough could liberate, not just our relationship with money, but our relationship with ourselves, our families, our clients, and all the other people in our communities.

A series of "what if" questions started popping into my mind as the ramifications of the myth of abundance began to sink into my consciousness.

  • What if individuals started to realize that they are good enough just as they are?
  • What if communities began to see that there are enough resources for everyone if they work together?
  • What if there is always enough love and support to nourish me and everyone else?
  • What if none of us has to earn dignity, worth, value, love, abundance, opportunities, appreciation, gifts, income and anything else our hearts desire?
  • What if we are all inherently good enough to receive these gifts?
  • What if it's just a matter of being open to revealing this abundance inside of ourselves and our communities?

Though my mentor has been trying to teach me this for a while, it wasn't until I came home from the retreat did I start to really understand how my entire life and my business could be different if I approached it from this lens of abundance.

Your Transformational Homework this week:

Listen to my lecture & guided meditation about how to open the flow of abundance in your life. Click here to listen.

Reflect on these questions, write in your journal and talk about them with others.

What if you are already good enough? How would that change your life and work?

What if your gifts are enough? What if following your bliss is enough?

Put my manifesto up somewhere you can read it every day:

by Joanna Scaparotti

"By virtue of being conceived, I have inherent dignity, value and worth. I am loved unconditionally, and I am provided for completely. Abundance, love, appreciation and opportunities are my birthright. It is my duty to open my heart and receive. I am receptive and joyfully receiving the gifts, opportunities, appreciation and love the Universe provides me.

I work to be of Service and fully express my joy, love and appreciation of the gifts given to me. I do not work to prove my worth, earn my keep, or to provide the means to live my life. I express my gifts by surrendering fear, control, doubt, self-criticism, and guilt. Instead I open to unconditional love and blessings.

And I ask today and every day - how can I serve? How can I express my gifts? How can I receive? How can I give?

Still stuck?

Listen to Joanna's guided meditation for dreaming without limitations from her Lulu store here, or schedule a private breakthrough session with Joanna on the phone or in person.

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what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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