Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Identify your Special, Gifts, Talents and Skills!

How do you answer when someone asks "what do you do?" Do you say something boring like "I'm a massage therapist" or "I'm a yoga teacher" or "I'm a practitioner"? If you answer that way, you're not alone. Many many holistic health and wellness professionals respond in conversation this way. It's a very easy and convenient way to label yourself.

But, it really doesn't leave room for you to shine as the superstar "stress buster", diva of "deep relaxation and peace of mind" or yogi of "flowing body and spirit", does it? It doesn't tell anyone what you really do with your clients.

Here's a secret that new practitioners don't always realize at first. Clients come to see you to spend time with you. I'll say it again - clients come to see you to spend time with you. They really do. They don't come for what you were trained to do in the consultation room or on the treatment table.

Oh sure, a potential client might decide tonight that she is going to try Reiki, so she Googles "Reiki" and emails the first practitioner that pops up in the search engine. Which might be you. The truth is, though, this is not how you are going to connect with most of your clients. And it's certainly not how you are going to keep your clients coming back.

I mean it. Clients will book with you again and again because they like to spend time with you. They like how they feel when they are with you. They enjoy the subtle, magical, superstar healing or growth you facilitate for them when they are there. There are thousands, perhaps millions of holistic health and wellness professionals. But it's you they want. They really do. They want you.

So what you have to do is figure out how to make it easy for your clients and potential clients to know who you really are and what it's like to spend time with you. When you are able to answer the question "What do you do?" with an authentic, heart-centered answer about the real you, the people you're talking with will know right away if they (or someone they know) resonates with your message and wants to spend more time with you.

Let's use me as an example. When I answer the question "What do you do?" with "I mentor other practitioners", it's pretty dull, right? You might scratch your head and wonder what that means. I am nowhere close to perfect, and the truth is that this is sometimes the answer that comes out when I am networking or talking to potential clients.

However, I do try to remember to turn on the superstar and answer with something more like "What I do is help practitioners give birth to their dream of starting a business by finding their gifts, identifying who they are here to serve, and teaching them how to communicate in a resonating, heart-centered way that attracts clients."

Ooh, that sounds a lot snappier doesn't it? It catches your attention. If you have a dream in your heart of hearts about the life you really want to live and the difference you want to make in the world and in the lives of others but you're too scared, worried, or unsure about how to make it happen, your heart takes notice. You resonate with what I've said. You want to find out more.

It's time for you to figure out how your talents, skills and gifts translate into a sizzling answer to "What do you do?" and to start telling your clients and everyone you meet about it.

Your Transformational Homework this week:

Carve out some time alone with your iced tea and journal and answer the following questions to get some clarity about what you really do:

  • What are my special gifts in working with clients?
  • What stands out about how I work with clients?
  • What are some adjectives that describe what it feels like in the consultation or treatment room?
  • What emotional state are your clients in when they arrive? How has that changed by the time they leave?
  • What compliments or feedback do your clients give you?
Ask a trusted client, colleague or friend about what they think your special kind of mojo is like?

Start answering "What do you do?" differently. Try out a variety of responses until you come across the one that sizzles.

PS. If you find these steps valuable, and you're an emerging heart-centered entrepreneur looking for the keys to transform your business into an authentic, heart-centered, profitable business, there's a workshop for you on August 24th. If you'd like to know more about how to apply these steps to transform your own emerging business, join me at Learn the Six Steps to Success here in Beverly, MA.

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what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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