Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Promote from the Heart: Authentic Marketing & Client Relationships

It takes most people a LONG time to try something new. They want to hear about it, read about it, ask their friends about it, ask an expert about it, think about it, sleep on it, make a decision to try it someday... before they try it.

By understanding this crucial truth about human nature, you can build a relationship with your potential client by always being there, being courteous, being friendly, offering to help, answering questions, becoming a part of her awareness so that when she does decide to try your service - she'll be comfortable with working with you.

When you interact with prospective and current clients, communicating from your heart is an easy way to build rapport and trust. If you can, spend a few minutes in meditation to clear out your internal "clutter" before your conversation.

The most important tool for relationship building is listening carefully and learning what the other person needs. By using active listening, where you ask questions and repeat back to the person what you heard them say about what they need, you can uncover whether this person will benefit from your services.

Heart-centered promotion is "we" focused, so when you do start speaking about what it is you do, keep it focused on how you two can work together to solve problems or overcome challenges.

Building relationship is the heart and soul of building a business. The only right way to promote yourself in this way is in a format that you'll enjoy and feel comfortable practicing on a regular basis. Consistency is key! What are some of the ways that you can build a relationship with the people who might become clients someday?

Take into account your personal communication preferences and self-knowledge about what you will be able to do consistently. Jot down at least one thing you can do for each stage listed that feels comfortable to you.

I'd like to provide an introduction to what I do by:

I'd like to stay in touch with people who've been interested in my Services by:

I'd like to reach out to people who have expressed interest in my services by:

Need a little extra support? Here are some ways you can get involved. For community support, encouragement, strategy and inspiration, check out the new Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Forum. If it's accountability, strategies and guidance you need, check out private coaching with me. I also teach heart-centered entrepreneurship at North Shore Community College.

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what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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