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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Do you know what your gifts are?

As a wellness practitioner (as a Massage therapist, Yoga teacher/trainer, Reiki practitioner, Shiatsu practitioner, Polarity therapist, Reflexologist, etc...), YOU are the product that you are selling. However, practitioners just starting out often hide behind their modality (or modalities) as if the technique(s) were the product they are selling. It's an easy thing to get confused about because you spend so much time during your training learning and practicing techniques. But the truth is that most clients are going to choose to see you vs someone else, not so much for your techniques, as for how comfortable, safe, and welcomed you make him or her feel and how much you help them emotionally as well as physically. You really are the aspect of your practice that makes a difference to your clients. And in order to really stand out to your clients, you need to know what your gifts are and who will benefit from them.

I've been in the wellness industry for the last decade, and I've seen a lot of companies come and go. I've learned first hand that the successful practitioners I know from yoga teachers to Reiki Masters to Massage therapists to Acupuncturists and Spiritual advisors have this one thing in common: authenticity. Those who book clients over and over again are consistently authentic in their client interactions and ways of conducting business. They are clear about the purpose of their practice, what they do best, what they can do for their clients and who they do it for. It’s true – being a successful practitioner boils down to one thing only. It doesn’t matter whether you are organized or sloppy, technologically saavy or not, working from home or associated with a center, maintain business systems or fly by the seat of your pants. A thriving, successful, practice that is full of clients whom you love to work with requires a much deeper understanding and knowledge – and a commitment that you stay true to yourself in every way.

What I've seen happen time and time again to practitioners when they begin their practice – and I am no exception - is that they focus on generalities in the benefits of their service and try to make their services accessible and pleasing to as many people as possible. Unfortunately this approach results in a struggle to book clients and develop long-term clientele relationships. Until you are clear on who you are, what you want to do, and who you want to do it with – the message you put out will be muddled. And it will be difficult for the people who will benefit most from your service to recognize themselves and the benefits available to them in your marketing. There are a lot of reasons why you might be unclear about your practice. Perhaps you’re just starting out, or maybe you simply haven’t taken the time to listen to your heart and inner guidance from your Core self. Perhaps there are fears holding you back, or you’re so focused on trying to grow the external aspects of your practice that you don’t have the time or know how to go within to listen to your Core self for advice.

I’ve learned and now teach that the real secret to attracting clients and having a thriving practice is really about your confidence, clarity and courage to just be YOU – in every way – and allowing yourself to operate, market and grow your business in this way. And in the next couple of weeks you'll be seeing some new programs from me to assist wellness practitioners like you in figuring out what your gifts are and who you're here to help so you can really shine and thrive in your practice.

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"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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