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Sunday, August 16, 2009

How do you follow your bliss when life is hard?

It's pretty easy to follow your bliss and experience the flow of love, abundance, and peace when everything in your life is going well. During times like those, it seems like everything just falls into place magically - one opportunity and great experience after another. Some people seem to experience this flow of bliss more than others, and it's something we all wish we had more of in our lives.

And yet, sometimes life is difficult. Bad things happen to people who don't deserve it. People get laid off, have accidents, become injured, have illnesses and diseases, lose loved ones, lose money on the stock market, become depressed or debilitated. This stuff happens all the time, and it's not always something that can be prevented. And it's really hard to follow your bliss and be in the flow when difficult stuff is happening in your life. And yet, it's possible.

Mark Silver, author of Unveiling the Heart of Business, writes that what we consider being in the flow or following your bliss is really a connection and openness to experiencing one of the inherent Qualities of the the Source (Divine, God, or whatever you call it). These Qualities include peace, bliss, love, and abundance, and Mr. Silver teaches that while we don't always feel connected to these Qualities - they are always available to us when we return to the Source. He even suggests that the times when we don't feel these Qualities are when we are needy, and as humans, we are inherently needy. We need love and acceptance most of all, as these bring us into the Qualities of peace and abundance that let us feel like we're in that magical flow of opportunity and joy that we all wish for.

Mr. Silver recommends a practice from Sufism called Remembrance. It's when you take a few moments every day to invite yourself into the presence of the Source (Universe, Divine, etc..) and surrender your neediness. He recommends Remembering by chanting, but this can be done in any way that feels right to you - dancing, doing yoga, mindfulness meditation, walking in nature, swimming with dolphins, gardening, playing with a child - whatever it is that gets you out of your head and inside your heart, into your Spirit, that piece of you that connects with everyone else in the Universe (or Divine, depending on how you see it).

Mr. Silver suggests that by Remembering daily, or even more often when things are difficult, can create a profound transformation in your life (or in your business) as you start being able to stay in the flow and make decisions from a place that does not struggle, is not fearful, and has no doubts. Even if you don't have such lofty aspirations of wanting to be in the flow of bliss all the time or an interest in having a spiritual connection, this practice of being in the moment, surrendering your emotions, and letting your heart open can simply dissolve your stress, release tension in your body and bring you an overall sense of well-being.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I stumbled on to your blog and subsequently this post very serendipitously as I've fallen into a fog of negativity and misery as a result of caring for my husband after an unexpected surgery. These words are a gift to me tonight and I will endeavor to practice Remembrance tactics, beginning immediately.

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