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Friday, November 5, 2010

Is your heart open?

In order to experience abundance, you need to be open to receiving it. You can envision and ask for what you need or want until the end of time, but it's not going to happen until your heart is open and receptive.

As I posted on Facebook this week: "You need to teach your heart how to *receive* just as much as you give to others. You have to build your receptive muscles until they are strong enough to accommodate the abundance you need to thrive in life."

In my experience, abundance comes when deep down you believe, really believe, that you deserve all the wonderful things that you desire in your life.

So many of us mistakenly believe that we need to work hard to earn the things we need and want, which is often rooted in a belief that we are not good enough to receive the things we desire. We often don't realize how pervasive this limiting belief can be.

One person I worked with this week realized that though she spent a lot of time praying about her clients finding the relief they need, she was not spending time visioning for herself and her own needs. It was empowering to remember that she deserved as many blessings in her life as she asked for her clients, and that she could improve her well-being by making time to work on changing her thought patterns that blocked abundance in her life.

This often presents in people who tend to be givers. They spend a lot of time building up their compassion and giving muscles, focusing on helping others so these good works will add up as karma points that will allow them to one day deserve the things they want and need. This week, I was able to help someone discover a block in her heart around this very area.

She works very hard to give and be of service as a healer, and she had put her faith in a Higher Power to provide for her needs. Yet, she was frustrated that the very basic things that she needs in her life have been out of reach for some time.

We discovered that while she was an expert in giving to others, she was blocking receiving love, help, gifts, and opportunities from other people. She was focused on receiving from spirit, but together we clarified that here on earth abundance flows through other people. In order to open the flow of abundance in her life, she needed to open her heart to the goodness and generosity of others.

Last, but not least - here's an example of when someone opens their heart to the flow of abundance. A friend of mine realized that her current apartment was just too small for the new business venture she was undertaking. She recognized that she needed space to run her business, so she made the decision to find a new apartment that better met her needs.

In the past, she would have blocked the flow of abundance by telling herself that she would never find what she needed in her price range and convince herself that it would never happen. Instead, she got really clear about exactly what she needed, and she set her intention and committed to staying positive.

She started telling people around her what she needed, and lo and behold, in less than a week she found the perfect apartment with space for her business and in her price range. It can be that easy when you are open and receptive for receiving what you need.

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what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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