Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Friday, November 12, 2010

Let yourself shine!

Recently, a six month support & success program I facilitated for some wonderful practitioners in Cambridge came to an end. Over the six months, we worked hard at honing in on each practitioner's special talents and the ways in which they can be of service to their ideal clients.

One of the most important pieces that we looked at was how to turn any form of promotion, advertising, and marketing into an opportunity to introduce yourself and start a heart-centered dialogue with your potential clients.

I was delighted when I saw the new website of one of the practitioners in the group. Her personality really shines through on her simple website, and the conversation she starts with her potential clients makes it clear who she can help and how she can help. This is heart-centered, authentic marketing at it's best, and all the hard work Sara did over the last six months is going to attract the right clients to her Massage and Reiki practice!

Check out Sara's opening dialogue and her personalized services on her website. All that's left for her to do is upload a really nice picture where she's looking into the camera and smiling.

Are you struggling to attract clients?

We can help! Come to the Practitioner Business Success Group on Sunday November 21 from 5-7pm to get support, strategy and inspiration to move your practice forward. You may also want to check out the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Apprenticeship that's starting in January.

Jennifer Carey's Success Story

"My practice was non-existent before I started with Joanna. My heart dreams of having a retreat center. My passion is to help others heal and grow through the challenges of life.

There are so many significant things I received from working with Joanna. If I had to name three, they would be empowerment, being an authentic practitioner and healer and using my gifts and passions to do that.

I loved the support, the guidance, the practices, the envisioning of dreams and the accountability to take action.

I've believed in myself and my abilities and capabilities to follow my dreams. I've learned ways and practices to turn my thoughts around leaving my mindset in a more positive, empowering way.

I developed skills to be more organized. I've also learned to move toward my dreams with more confidence and courage."

Learn more about Jennifer's Personal Growth Workshops and Reiki sessions at The Healing Center here.

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what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

Click here to read more of what my clients are saying...