Joanna can be found on her website, or you can reach her at

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reiki Certifications

Did you know that I provide Reiki Certification? I have been practicing and teaching Reiki in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition locally since 2003. I specialize in training those who wish to become professional Reiki practitioners and other wellness professionals who are passionate about mind-body-spirit balance and personal growth, and who have a burning desire to help others find healing.

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what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

Click here to read more of what my clients are saying...