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Friday, December 31, 2010

Core story

December 31 Prompt: Core story. What central story is at the core of you, and how do you share it with the world? (Bonus: Consider your reflections from this month. Look through them to discover a thread you may not have noticed until today.)

Wow I love how this last prompt ties right in with my post about the most memorable gift I received in 2010. My central story is that it is possible, even necessary, to heed your calling and share your unique gifts and skills with the world. Success, abundance, love, wellness, and happiness are available to everyone. It's just a matter of training yourself to experience life through an open heart instead of from a place of fear and lack. There is joy available everywhere if you only look for it. There is support, encouragement and opportunities available to you every moment of the day, if you keep your heart and mind receptive.

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what people are saying...

"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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