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Friday, December 3, 2010

Reverb 10: Moment

December 3 – Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail (texture, smells, voices, noises, colors). (Author: Ali Edwards)

There were many moments where I felt 100% present, vibrant and alive in the past year. My favorite was watching the meteor shower in August with my sweetheart. We laid out under the stars on the dock. We could hear the fish splashing as they were feeding and the nighttime birds. Above us, the sky was clear and the stars vivid and beautiful meteors flew across the sky. The night went on and on and gradually a mist rose over the river bringing pre-dawn light. Fishermen started arriving and setting off on their boats. Gradually the stars faded away as the sun rose. It became a beautiful morning.

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"Empower. Joanna, I feel that you have helped EMPOWER us and overcome some of the limiting things that we've had within ourselves. I know that this is a major part of reiki and our mission as self-healers and the healing of others. " - Jen C

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